Insomnia (Gavlias)

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The person who requested this wishes to remain anonymous
Kinks: None
Also, I headcanon Elias as non-binary, so don't get confused if you see me referring to them as they

Elias let out a soft groan as their eyes slowly fluttered open. It was still pitch black in the room, so they assumed it was probably past midnight by now.

Elias sighed in exhaustion, flopping their head back on their pillow. They were vaguely aware of a small pressure on their legs, slowly coming up to their lap.

They groaned slightly as a rocking motion against their hips, but paid it no further attention. It was at such a slow pace, it seemed to be lulling Elias to sleep, and their eyes slowly began closing again.

Suddenly, they realised what was happening and shot up with a yell. "HOLY SHIT-"

"Ow!" A voice cried, and Elias was barely able to make out their boyfriend, Gavin, throwing his head back in pain. "C'mon, Eli, why'd you you have to headbutt me like that?!"

"Gavin, why are you dry humping me!? It's like 2:30 in the morning!" The older shot back, rubbing their forehead with a grimace.

"And? I'm horny!" Gavin whined.

Elias blinked, then slowly pinched the bridge of their nose, eyebrows twitching in annoyance. "You woke me the middle of the night..because you were horny?"

The smaller seemed slightly put off by his lover's tone of voice, unsure of how to respond. Hesitantly, Gavin replied "Yesss..?"

"Goodnight." Elias said, lying back down and closing their eyes.

"Wait, Eli!" Gavin protested, shaking them slightly by the shoulder. "You're not really gonna leave me with a hard on for the rest of the night, are you?!"

"No." Elias looked up with a pissed off smirk. "I'm gonna leave you with a hard on for the rest of your life."

"Eliiii!" The younger whined, shaking them harder. "Please, I'm sorry! Just don't leave me like this!"

"Goodnight, Gavin." They replied again, lying back down.


"I said goodnight." Elias said firmly.

Gavin opened his mouth to protest again, but his words fell on deaf ears. Elias drowned him out, quickly falling to sleep again, hoping the whole ordeal would be forgotten about in the morning.

Soon, morning came. The sunlight flooded into the room, birds were chirping outside the window.

Elias opened their eyes with a yawn. They slowly sat up, blinking away their tiredness, and came face to face with their boyfriend.

"Gavin?" Elias yawned, rubbing their eyes sleepily. "What time is it?"

"Sex time." The younger bluntly replied.

Elias barely registered what the other was saying, way too tired to understand. "Come again..?"

"Don't act like you don't know." Gavin huffed. "What, you think you can get away with leaving me high and dry last night? Nu-uh, Eli, think again."

They suddenly started to realise what he was talking about, and sat up slightly, propping themself up on their elbows. Sure enough, just the same as last night, Gavin was seated on their lap, gazing down at them in desire.

"Gavin..." Elias repeated again. "I'm not messing around. What time is it?"

"6 o'clock." He replied, as though that was a perfectly reasonable time to be having sex.

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