We had snuck around the back and opened up a shed like structure that had a "Maintenance personnel only" sighn in big red letters on the front.

Will and Lucas walked in first and I walked in after them. I started looking to the left with Will while Lucas took the right. I squatted down to look through some boxes on the bottom of the shelves.

"Uh, Will? Um...y'know about yesterday..." Lucas started but Will cut him off.

"Its fine, Lucas. You don't have to say anything." I kept looking as they spoke, trying not to interfere with their conversation.

"I know, but its just...it was a really cool campaign. And Mike and I, we should've never-" "I don't care anymore, lucas. I really don't. " Will interrupted him again.

"We have bigger things to worry about now." I frowned at the conversation. The boys used to get along really well. They never yelled at eachother or got into stupid fights. If they did it was usually Mike and Lucas. But it never seemed this bad. I just wanted them to be happy as a group again but we didn't even know where Dustin was so at this point I think we were all losing hope. But like Will said, we have bigger things to worry about right now.

I opened the last box on the shelf and a large metal chain was inside. I stood up and tapped Wills shoulder. I handed him the box and he smiled at me.

"Yeah, this should hold him."


After we heard the shower stop and Billy changing I ran around to the door and shut it, locking it so he couldn't leave.

Mike was with the others, calling Billy to them. Once I returned we all waited together, hoping he would come and take the bait.

Mike was calling him in a child like voice, laughing as well hoping to lure him to us. "Billy, come and find me." "I find you it is your funeral."

"Maybe we shouldn't be-" "Shh....it's gonna work." Will whispered, cutting me off and reassuring me. I sighed. I never asked to be apart of this, I mean if Billy is the new host then by doing this we are just asking to be murdered on the spot.

But everyone seems to be so sure that its going to work so I'm going to trust them.

Which was definitely a mistake.


"Got you." I heard him say to himself.

Billy walked into the sauna, angrily picking up the dummy that had the super-comm attached to the front of it.

"Hey, behind you." Mike spoke through it.

"Hi." El, spoke as Billy turned around.

She sent him flying up against the wall, closing the door after he had fallen to the ground.

"NOW!" Mike called, bursting in and slipping a metal pipe through the handle of the door. Will and Lucas chained the pipe to the handle, keeping in place as to not let Billy get the door open.

Billy grunted and yelled in anger as he beat against the door, trying desperately to escape.

We all stood and watched as he pounded on the door. Not getting it open as he did so.

Suddenly he stopped. He was panting as he kept his eyes on all of us, then one word came out of his mouth.


We turned to look at her as she stood frozen, staring at her brother from the other side of the door.

"Do it."

And with that I walked over to the controls, turning the small crank that would turn the heat on.

"Max! Let me out of here!" Billy called out in a deep voice.

We all stood, watching him to see what would happen. The sauna was heating up but it didn't seem to be affecting him bad yet. 

"Let me out. You kids...you think this is funny? You think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" He spit on the window "You little shits think this is funny?!"

I grabbed onto Wills hand. I was starting to get anxious. Even after he gave it a small squeeze I was still very much on edge. How could I not be? What was happening right now was crazy. Never would I have thought that this is where I would be when I moved back to Hawkins. Practically cooking a grown man in a sauna.

"What is this?" He asked, the fury in his voice growning even more evident.

"Open the door." He said through deep breaths, he was sweating and panting because of the heat and his voice sounded raspy and low.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" He yelled, slamming his fist into it and making us all jump back.

"OPEN..THE DOOR!" He yelled again, continuously beating his fist into the door at an attempted to get it to open or get us to open it out of fear.

"OPEN THE GODDAMN DOOR!" I held onto Wills hand tighter, his grip also tightening as Billy voice got louder.

All the sudden he fell onto the floor, staring to bang on it while he yelled out. Will let go of my hand to walk over to the controls. He pointed to the thermometer on the control. It was pointed all the way to the right. Meaning...

"We're at 220."

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Where stories live. Discover now