Chapter 1: Preston

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George woke up, finding himself  in a bed of bright yellow flowers. He flipped around and saw the shine of the sun trough the hole he fell. How long has he been out? A few minutes? A few hours? He couldn't know. He saw a corridor leading somewhere , and since he couldn't climb back up, he decided to follow it.

The corridor opened into a large room. In the center of the room stood a golden flower, seemingly bigger then the ones that cushioned his fall. George approached the flower slowly. He wasn't sure why, but a feeling of dread settled within him. Suddenly the flower turned around, revealing the face of a creeper.

Preston: "Hey there! Name's Preston, PrestonPlays!"

George: "wha..."

Preston: "You're a noob in the underground arent'cha? Well I guess a little old me will have to do.

Around George the room goes dark, only leaving him and Preston in seemingly open void. Something shines from his backpack. He unzips it and finds that a copy of Minecraft that wasn't there before.

Preston: "That is your game! Each human has it and it represents which game they were meant to play. Each game is tied to the person's life force, so try not to get too hurt! However, there is a way to get your game stronger, and thus sustain more damage, making YOU harder to kill. The power here is shared through 'friendliness arrows'" he seemed to pronaunciate every letter of that word carefully, like he was afraid he would say it wrong.

Around him several white arrows appeared and started slowly gliding towards him. Not wanting to die, he stepped forward and touched one of the arrows. Instantly, the rest of the arrows vanished and George felt a deep pain inside of him. He collapsed immediately, shivering from the sudden weakness. Preston's creeper face bended in an unnatural smile, sharp teeth suddenly visible.

Preston: You idiot. In this world, Its kill or BE killed. Why would anyone pass such an excellent opportunity like this?

Hundreds of arrows suddenly surround George, who curled into a ball to get as far away from the arrows as possible.

Preston: DIE

The arrows start moving in, as Preston laughs madly. Just before the arrows hit George, a fireball shines, lighting the empty area. Preston only had enough time to say "what the..." before the fireball flew, uprooting him and sending him to the other side of the room. George takes his eyes of of him for only a second before he dissapears. From the other side of the room he hears footsteps. George got up, ready for whatever danger might come his way. A person walked into the room,  that already started to receive color back from some of the battle room's blackness. he wore white clothes, with a white headband around his head. His right arm was still smoking presumably from throwing a fireball.

???: "What noob would try to hurt a human, even though I strictly said that he was under MY protection?" Then he looked at George and smiled. "Hello there! My name is Sapnap, guardian of The Ruins." The room's void fully cleared, showing the corridor through which Sapnap came trough. Sapnap extended his hand, but George shied away from it. Sapnap's hard face softened.

Sapnap: I understand. But know that not all monsters are evil like that flower. If you would just follow me, I will show you trough the ruins and to my home, where you can rest and heal.

George thought about it for a few seconds and nodded, following Sapnap into the next room.


Hello! I'm happy to have the part 1 done. Although I am going to need your help. Should I go for a pacifist or a genocide route. If you can, please say your opinion in the comments. I personally vote for the pacifist run. The run with more votes wins. Good luck :).

Update: since nobody voted, I'm just going to continue with pacifist. if you wanted genocide, then you should have voted in the comments. (I will do a genocide run after the pacifist is finished)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2021 ⏰

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