"You're being a right foul git right now, y'know that?" George snapped.

"Huh?" Fred asked.

"Even if I were making a move on Gaia, you really think she'd be that cruel?" George asked, getting irritated with his brother's attitude at the moment.

"I'm just telling you to be careful," Fred scoffed, "Of all the girls you'd go for, you went for one already spoken for."

"Don't talk about her like that. If she were taken, you think she'd cheat? Our best friend, Gaia? The girl we know?" George said.

"Can't be too careful." Fred shrugged.

Fed up with his brother's subtle jabs at their best friend, George scoffed and turned around, "Don't really fancy talking to you when you're acting like a git. I'll see you in the common room later."

Fred only watched as his brother walked back down the staircase to Godric knows where.

Was it so wrong to look out for his brother? Protectiveness – that's what this feeling was. Not betrayal, not jealousy.


Gaia was honestly scared of the rumors floating around the Gryffindors that morning.

Have you heard? Apparently the Weasley twins aren't speaking to each other.

I heard them yesterday, at the staircases.

I heard they shot spells at each other – hexes and jinxes.

She hadn't been able to sit at their table during breakfast due to sleeping in, so she couldn't confirm if the two actually were fighting. Hexes? Jinxes? She was sure there was no way those two would ever fight to that extent but she couldn't stop her anxiousness as she nearly ran to the Gryffindor table.

Subconsciously, she let out a sigh of relief as she spotted the two sitting across from each other at the table, talking animatedly. She walked over, plopping down next to George, who was sitting closer.

"You have no idea how close I am to having a heart attack," Gaia sighed, letting her head fall onto the table.

"Hi?" George laughed, "What's wrong?"

"People kept saying you two were fighting," Gaia explained.

"Ah," George hummed, sharing a look with his brother, "We were, but s'all worked out now."

"Wait, so you did? You shot hexes at each other!?" Gaia gasped.

"No, that's ridiculous! It was just verbal!" George denied.

"Oh, thank Rowena," Gaia sighed in relief, slumping down in her seat.

The sound of Fred standing up from his seat made her look up from the ground.

"Fred? You're already done?" Gaia asked, frowning when the boy left without replying, "Is something wrong with Fred?" she asked George.

"Don't worry about him, he'll be fine tomorrow," George replied, though he was frowning as well at the retreating figure of his brother.


George was wrong. It had been almost a week since Fred started ignoring Gaia, and frankly, she was getting tired of it. Had she done something wrong?

So, she made up her mind, cornering the boy the morning of the day before the Yule Ball.

"Alright, what's wrong? You've been ignoring me for almost a week," Gaia demanded, crossing her arms as she stood in front of Fred.

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