Faust Brothers in a Poly Relationship With You

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AN: Ahem....soooo the newest chapter has my brain malfunctioning! Idk what the fuck is going on anymore 😭 who is the "Nacht" we've been seeing? Is it Morgen? Is it the original Nacht? I hope it's Morgen, it would be REALLY weird otherwise (bc of the implications). Buuut assuming they're both alive, I'd let them both fuck me 🥴 so here are some headcanons (well they started as headcanons, but turned into a whole ass story) for both brothers before Yami became the captain of the Black Bulls (so when I say Nacht I mean the original Nacht), and how you ended up in a poly relationship with them.

Warnings: foul language, potential ooc (since a lot is unknown about the characters), eventual poly relationship, suggestive content, Nacht being a little shit. I'm publishing this unedited at 5am so cut me some slack on any mistakes.

- You met Morgen first. He was off duty when he saw you pay for food for an orphaned child after they had gotten caught stealing. He was drawn in by the gentleness radiating off of you as you smiled and soothingly pet the child's head.

- "Excuse me, Miss" you heard a voice behind you just as you were leaving the market. Turning your head slightly, you were greeted by a man with light blue eyes and dark hair. He had the most serene smile you had ever seen, and for a moment you were speechless at how handsome he was.

- "That was very kind of you to do. I can tell you are a gentle soul from the way you handled that situation." the man spoke. The sudden compliment threw you off for a moment, but you coolly let it slide "Not really, I just did what any decent human being with a shred of compassion would do." you said, shrugging your shoulders.

- "And yet, few people would do what you just did. My name is Morgen Faust, and you are?" Morgen introduced himself, extending his hand politely. "(F/N) (L/N)" you shook his hand awkwardly. Morgen gave you a bright smile, feeling that he had found a kindred spirit. This was how your friendship started. 

- Before long the two of you were practically inseparable. Whenever Morgen had a day off, he chose to spend it with you. You spend long evenings making art together, chatting about philosophy and the human psych (mostly Morgen) at restaurants, or just stargazing together in silence. Something about the way his eyes light up when he talks about his job as a magic knight and helping as many people as possible makes your heart flutter.

- One night, a foolish ragtag team of bandits decided to target your house. You made sure to give them a beating and turn them in to the magic knights, it only took about ten minutes. Morgen was surprised to learn you were actually quite strong, and asked you to join the magic knights. After mulling it over, you told Morgen you'd only join if you could be on the same squad as him. "Leave it to me." he smiled, pleased with your answer. "And don't worry, I'll always keep you safe."  he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear, causing you to blush.

- You met the older twin when Morgen invited you to have dinner at his place after a mission. It was hate at first sight. "(Y/N), this is my elder twin brother, Nacht. Brother, this is my good friend (F/N) (L/N)." Nacht was lazily propped up against a tree, smoking a cigarette and looking clearly disinterested. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." you curtsied politely in greeting. Nacht sighed in annoyance. "Just what I need, another goody two shoes around to bother me." You just barely met this man and you already couldn't believe his attitude.

- "Excuse me? Who talks to a stranger like that? You know absolutely nothing about me, so keep your stupid assumptions about my character to yourself." you immediately clapped back, and turned to face Morgen "This is why I keep my distance from people, the world is full of assholes like him." you whined while gesturing towards the elder brother. Nacht was slightly taken aback by your response. He wasn't offended by your insults, he had just never come across a woman like you that would stand her ground.

Nacht/Morgen Faust x Reader (Black Clover)Where stories live. Discover now