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Okay, so there are three things you need to know.

First, I'm not gorgeous. 

      I'm not one of those "beautiful" or "stunning" girls that you see walking down the street wearing amazing clothes that she found at thrift stores. I get my jeans from Old Navy or wear clothes my mom owned in the 90s. Honestly, I go to a school where uniforms are required, so I'm stuck wearing burgundy polos and black jeans the majority of the time.

      I'm 5'5 and weigh 165 lbs. I have shoulder-length black hair that I straighten every night because curly hair makes no sense to me. My tan skin is the result of my dad being Indian and my mom being white. I have a gut but honestly, I don't even think about it much. I get a little insecure sometimes, but who doesn't.

      I mean, I'm not hideous. I have nice eyelashes and curves that come with the gut. My complexion is somewhat clear and I have perfect vision, which is weird because both my dad and my 3 brothers need a thick prescription. 

      But that doesn't really matter when my best friend walks into the room. Because Victoria Kiser is a 5'3 blonde-haired, blue-eyed cheerleader who is pretty enough to have 34.5k followers on Instagram without any other social media account. And even though she is practically married to her boyfriend, guys tend to gravitate towards that instead of the chubby Indian nerd.

      I mean she my favorite person in the entire universe but if she wasn't my best friend and I didn't know that, I would probably hate her. But she was the first person to come up and say hi when I moved 4 years ago, and we've been stuck like glue ever since.

Second, I'm a virgin. 

      And I'll probably stay that way a long time. When you've been raised by two devout Christians your entire life, abstinence has basically been the idea since the beginning. And even now, I'm still kinda holding onto the idea. I'm not really a romantic, but I love God and I feel it's the least I could do. But it is kinda weird when no one around you thinks the same as you. 

      When I transferred to Chapel Hill Christian Academy(not in North Carolina, sadly, in Indiana), I thought that people might think the same as me. But just last week this girl in my Theology class got asked to move online because she got pregnant with some college guy's child. Half my friends have already lost it and the other half is what they call "half virgins"(don't ask me I don't even want to know). 

     So basically every guy I meet only wants one thing.

      And contrary to popular beliefs, the fact that I'm not gonna give it to any random guy does not make me that much more desirable.

And finally, my dad has an unofficial rule that I'm not technically allowed to date until I'm 18.

     Because then, even he can't control everything I do. 

      The rule makes no sense though because my 20-year-old brother has already had 3 girlfriends, 2 before he was eighteen. But the Reverend Dr said that the rules changed when we moved to a new state last year. Now he says that I haven't known anyone here long enough to get into a relationship with them. I mean, technically I haven't even had my first kiss. I say technically because I don't count the one time Jimmy Thompson kissed my cheek in the first grade.

      And I know it sounds like something from a movie, but my dad has always been really strict. My phone is tracked by him with an app you can't disable, I have a curfew of 10, and God, I didn't even see a PG-13 movie till I was 12. But far be it from me to disrespect the Reverend Dr. My brothers and I call him that because dad has never really fit him. He's more of an army general, but if the general went through 8 years of Theological training. 

     Back to the rule, it's unofficial in the fact that he always says he's joking around other people, but when we're alone I know he isn't. And even if he wasn't, it's not like I could get one. 

      My brothers are legends at the high school and no one wants to date the "little Wallace". I'm not exaggerating. Around school, that's what everyone calls me. And usually, I don't mind. Except when it puts a damper on any chance I have finding a guy to like me, much less convincing my dad to let me date him. And with him out of the country 8 months out of the year, I see the point in trying too hard. 

      But even though I can't technically date anyone, that hasn't stopped me from thinking about guys. Especially one specific person. But it's not like he will ever look at me the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2021 ⏰

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