Chapter 1-The Beginning (Sandy's Pov)

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September has just begun and I find myself pacing back and forth in my room. My 16th birthday is in 17 days time and I have yet to decide if I want to have a birthday party or not. 

The humming of my phone against the hard wood table brings me out of my thoughts. Grabbing the phone I flop down on to my bed to read the newly received text. The text is from none other than Jessica, my new best friend and by new I mean that she has only been my best friend for the past three months since I moved here. My social status took a turn for the worst before it become better when IT girl, Stacy  decided to make me her new enemy on the very first day of school. Not that it bothered me since I did manage to make a couple of new friends with the same taste in enemies

'Hey, you decided on having the party yet?'. Before I can even click on the text box to type my reply my phone vibrates to life with an incoming call.

"Hey girl, so what about the party? Are we having one? Please say yes! please please!", Jessica's excited high pitched voice rings in my ears

"I've been thinking about it  and um I've decided to have a small one", I say not really wanting to disappoint her.

Jessica has been a gem since day one. She was there through all of Stacy's revenge plots and it was her idea to throw this party so I figured I could throw a small one to keep her happy.

"YAY!, That's awesome. I will inform everyone", she screams before hanging up on me.

"Great..."I groan out in frustration as I momentarily forget Jessica's larger than life personality. She probably ignored the word small, scratch that she definitely ignored it.

I should have known better than to tell her that. Jessica and Penny are my only two closes girlfriends .Our little gang is usually accompanied by Chris, Matt and Tim. Chris, Matt and Tim are on the football team while the girls and I are on the Dance Team. In the three months that I have been hanging out with them, I dare say that Jessica is as popular as Stacy in school. Jessica is known for being loud and a great dancer with a body of a Greek goddess. Her blonde hair, blue eyes and fair skin makes her look like she came out of some fairytale. Almost every guy in school likes her and that bodes well for Penny and me. Penny is short with brown hair and eyes to match but compared to Jessica she is more on the mellow side. 

It is a good thing before I moved into town, I had a huge tantrum about leaving my old life behind. It makes asking my parents about throwing a party for my new friends a little easier. Who said being the new kid in school is such a bad thing? I smirk to myself. Seeing as how excited Jessica was, I know deep down Jessica has already planned it down to the last detail. I smile some what relieved that I would not have to do it myself. Lately I find myself wanting to go to sleep so I can figure out this mysterious dream I keep having. Everything about this dream is strange, like I have actually been there before. I slip into the covers and switch off the lights not wanting to put off the adventure in my dreams. I will have the whole day tomorrow to hear all about my birthday plans.

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