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TW: hints of sexual assault and abuse.
Ding, Ding, Ding.

All I could hear was the whistling tunes of the trees and the almost exhausting sounds of the bells around me. Every bell sounded the same but I knew the difference of each of them — from the silent ringing of divination to the loud roar of defense against the dark arts. Although they were quite different every bell was a small reminder of how much the reality of me being here has set in.

"Skye, darling, we have a surprise for you."

Of course hearing these words from my mother as a child didn't mean much to me. The inner thoughts of a pony or much less a princess doll came to balance. I never expected the surprise to be a one way ticket to paradise. To the one place where I no longer had to pretend to be someone I didn't want to be.

"Skye." I hear a voice say cutting me out of my own head. I turn around to meet the eyes of Ron Weasley. His hair is a mess yet his smile beamed brighter then any star I had ever seen.

"Ronald." I say returning the bright smile back to him. His smile only grows larger and I notice his feet starting to shift and his hands immediately meet his pockets.

"I have to ask you something." He says with a certain urgency in his voice. My smile slowly fades as I realize that this may be a serious question — but it never truly goes away knowing that this is Ron Weasley I'm dealing with.

I raise my eyebrow at him, "Well? Spit it out." My hands now meet my pockets as I watch his eyes meet the ground.

"I don't normally do this Skye." His eyes meet mine and his hands that were just engraved into his pockets both meet my shoulders. His expression never changing from the urgency that it was before.

I roll my eyes at him placing my hands on his. "Weasley. This better be good." I say glancing around us catching the stares of our confused classmates. Now that I take in the scene Ron is quite close to me. His hands on both of my shoulders and mine meeting his.

He laughs and removes his hands from my shoulders — turning around and offering his hand out to me. "May I have this walk to class?" I immediately bust out into laughter. The cold chill of the air outside piercing my throat as we giggle in union.

I take his hand and turn dramatically in his direction, "I would be honored." And just like that we're both walking to class. Catching in the other conversations around us as we reach the Defense Against the Dark Arts room.

Did you hear about Sirius Black?

Didn't he attend Hogwarts?

I heard he murdered a bunch of people.


Sirius Black. Ever since he allegedly broke into Hogwarts the atmosphere has been strange. Classes were continued but everyone was on edge. Especially the Gryffindor common room. Especially Harry.

To make matters even more strange — Professor Snape was taking control of most of our classes now that Lupin was taking more sick days off. It was odd really that there was a domino effect of bad things happening seemingly more often.

The moment Ron and I took our seats we were greeted by Hermione and Harry. Hermione carefully placing her books on the table next to ours as Harry plops into the seat by hers playfully hitting Ron on his shoulder before he sits down.

"Now who the FUCK took my cookie?" I hear from the table in front of us as I was placing my books down. My eyes immediately meet Wayde Clovens'. A brown eyed Gryffindor who's never afraid to speak his mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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