Poor Sandwich

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Remus opened his eyes, expecting to be lying down on a dirty patch of dirt, instead, he somehow found himself looking at the underneath of a chair. He slid out of the chair and sat up. Charlotte was still fast asleep, lying down on the cobbles, her cheek seemed to be stuck to the ground and unlike Remus, Charlotte was not underneath any pieces of furniture. The sun was rising and luckily, there was no one walking around the market because then Remus would have a hard time explaining why he and Charlotte were sleeping outside a restaurant. 

Remus crawled over to Charlotte and shook her until both sets of her eyes flew open,

"Hi," Remus told her as she sat up, "I think we should go. We don't want anyone wondering why two kids have been sleeping outside a restaurant,"

"Yeah, we should do that,"

So, they both got up together and walked out of the market, trying to avoid any people who were walking by as they didn't want anyone asking where their parents were.

They walked for a while, not talking to each other. It wasn't until they had walked into a thick dense tress when the realization of what happened last night truly sank in.

I escaped, I escaped. I actually escaped

It still seemed weird to him. For six years he had been living among other werewolves and now the only person he had was Charlotte. What was he supposed to do? Where was he supposed to go? Also, what he supposed to do on the full moon? At least in the hideout, he could transform there. He didn't even know when there was going to be a full moon-


"Remus?" Charlotte piped up and Remus only just realized he had stopped on the middle of the footpath,

"Charlotte, do you know when the next full moon will be?" he asked quite quickly to her. Charlotte frowned,

"No, I don't keep track of the ful-"

"Whatever," Remus told her. His heart was beating. When was the last time he transformed? He didn't want to randomly transform into a werewolf in the middle of the streets, he just wished he was more prepared to escape. He should have thought of some elaborate plan, brought some supplies, well, all the supplies you could find underground.

"Do you remember when we last transformed?" Remus asked Charlotte,

"No, cause I don't keep track of the ful-"

"Forget it," Remus told her before she could finish her sentence. Remus looked around to see if anyone was walking by. He suddenly saw a man wearing some business pants and a fancy coat over his work clothes while eating a sandwich,

Remus ran up to him, "Hey! Do you know when the next full moon is?" He didn't exactly know why he was asking this random muggle man whom he had never spoken to before, but, he felt desperate. Besides, the man couldn't predict he was a werewolf even though Remus was pretty sure muggles knew that werewolves transformed in the full moon, but, to muggles, werewolves weren't real.

The man looked at Remus as though he had grown a tail, "What, why do you-"

"Just tell me!" Remus demanded. He had expected to sound polite when asking this muggle when the next full moon was but his tone came out ruder than he wanted. In fact, he was so demanding that the man dropped his sandwich and gave Remus a stern look, 

 "Listen here, young man! You do not speak to your elders like that! And I dropped my sandwich because of you-"

"Yeah, Yeah. Listen, just tell me what I need to know and then you can lecture me about respecting your elders and how you dropped your sandwich," 

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