the barcode scanner

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"here i am, alone in my apartment as always." you said. you got up from the couch and decided to play the computer game that you have been trying to finish all these days, there was a little sheet of paper taped to the edge of you're computer, it said "R G B C M Y" . it was the answer you guessed for the game. beside the computer was a box of youre favorite cereal, wheat O's. and on youre computer screen was a yellow triangle with zig-zag lines in the middle going down, around it were six triangles. the one at the top of the triangle was coloured red, a cyan circle was on one side of the triangle and yellow circle was on the other, on the two bottom tips there was a green one on the left and a blue one on the right, and right at the bottom of the triangle was a magenta circle. you test your luck and see if youre answer is correct. the order you clicked was red, green, blue, cyan, magenta then yellow. and once again, you beat another game. a sound was heard from behind you. "what was that sound?" you turned around, a letter at you're door. in exitement you go straight to the letter and open it, inside was a handheld barcode scanner and an instruction manual. you get up from the floor and go to all lines and barcodes possible, you scan all the lines starting from the first ones you saw on the magazines. the one on you're left reads " THERE IS NOTHING OUSIDE THIS PLACE" and on the right it reads "YOU ARE NOT A PERSON YOU ARE A CONTROL SUBJECT" . you get a bit startledwith what it read but you decide to go up to youre little cooking corner with a microwave, a little stove part, a can of beans and a can of soup, and of course you need a small poster on the wall (wich also has a barcode like the 2 cans) you scan the can of beans and it reads " IT IS ALL A LIE" next you scan the soup and it reads "YOUR LIFE IS NOT REAL", curious yet scared (not terrified) at the same time, you hesitantly scan the one on the poster, and it reads "YOU KNOW NOTHING", seeing what all the barcodes you read say, you decide to read the drawn likes on the poorly looking posters around you're room. you turn to the right to see a poster of a school and a fence in front of it. you decide to scan the fence and it reads "SOME PEOPLE ARE MORE FREE THAN OTHERS" wondering what that meant you go to the poster of a zebra and scan the black stripes on it, it reads "THEY ARE ALWAYS WATCHING YOU" almost terrified you get you're baseball bat and you're pills (just in case). you remembered you're cereal box beside the computer so you scan the code on the box and it reads " THEY ARE FEEDING YOU POISON AND LIES" now, you wonder who "they" are. turning around holding you're baseball bat tightly, you walk up to you're ripped lamp and turn it to the wall, lo and behold a conveniently placed barcode on the you scan it and it reads "BREAK HERE", with nothing on you, you hit it with you're baseball bat."the wall crumbled away easily! there must have been a door here once" you thought. behind the wall was a poster of a circus tent, once again with lines, so you scan it and it reads "THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE", still not knowing who "they" are, you tightly hold on to you're baseball bat, walking into the small hallway, you find a big poster behind youre window, its the trees that you have always thought were the outside world. tightening you're grip ( if you can) on the baseball bat, you find a small radio thing and take the batteries for future use, across the radio thing you find an electric saw without batteries and to the left is a small area with cameras. you decide to put the batteries in the saw and take it for protection, you look to the camera area and you find one barcode, and it reads "SAVE ALL BARCODES" confused on what that meant you run around and find a small room, you go in and you find a caged tarantula beside a key,something on the wall that looks like you're computer game. and 2 barcodes you scan the two barcodes and they read "THE BRAIN IS THE CENTER OF REBELLION" and "THEY CANNOT WATCH YOU THINK". ignoring that you do the thing on the wall the same way you did on the computer, thus causing a keyhole to appear in the middle of the triangle, looking at the tarantula, you give it you're pills, causing the tarantula to die. "i wonder what was actually in those pills" you thought and you grabbed the key and put it in the keyhole, a small compartment opened with a clear, soft plastic with something inside. the plastic was too hard to rip apart so you used the saw, thus revealing a key, an apartment key. you take the key and run to you're door. with all hopes it will open, it does. excited to finally see the outside, you go out and into a hallway with millions of barcodes saying "YOU CANT SEE COLOURS ANYMORE" , "THERE ARE OTHER WORLDS THAN THESE" ,"I AM A MAN OF WEATH AND TASTE" , "WHY DO GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO BAD PEOPLE" "YOU SHOULD HAVE STAYED INSIDE" "THIS IS NOT THE WAY THE WORLD IS SUPPOSED TO BE" "IS ANY PERSON TRULY SANE" "FORGIVE ME" "IS ANY PERSON TRULY FREE" "A BARCODE IS A SERIES OF BLACK AND WHITE BARS" "USED TO REPRESENT DATA IN AN OPTICAL FORM" "THAT CAN BE READ VIA LASER OR SCANNER" with those first few steps, you tried to stop walking, but you couldnt, you kept on walking and continuing to read the barcodes on the sides of the walls (not going to write the rest of them). at the end of the hall you felt like you're falling, when you feel like you finally landed, you open you're eyes and find yourself in the meadows, but you werent. you were in an insane asylum in the meadows.


NOTE: thanks for reading! i hope it wasnt too long :T but oh well. hope you enjoy my first story! again this was a story about the game "bars of black and white" so please play that! its really nice and sorry if the character hardly says anything or theres too many barcodes. i was trying tp keep the barcodes to a minimal. thats why i didnt put the other last ones in the end. also if you want me to make another story about anything you want then please put it in the comments! thank you! :D

bars of black and whiteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum