003 - Friends and Fidgets

Start from the beginning

I messed up a little bit, but she fixed my mistakes

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I messed up a little bit, but she fixed my mistakes. We sat there for another hour until I could spell my name quickly and then we just kinda laid there looking at the stars. She pointed out Ursa Major to me and Canes Venatici and Boötes. She also pointed out Leo and Leo Minor. We laid there for at least another hour until Nemuri came bursting through the door followed by Collins and Hizashi, who were wrestling each other as they came through the door. "Oh my god! Sorry are we interrupting?" Nemuri asked with a sly smile. "No, I was just pointing some constellations out to Shota," Temi says. "Temidrion~Sama!! Will you be the referee? Hizashi wanted to spar to see if he could take me down because of all my arms. Nemuri said she did t want to so we started chasing her and then we bumped into each other and started fighting as we were running! Pleeaaaassseeeeee referee?" Collins whined as she pried Hizashi off of her since she was still wrestling. "Prinkípissa I don't wanna though. Shota you do it I wanna watch the stars!" Temi whines pushing my shoulder a little as she flops backwards to look back at the sky. "Fine, lets go you two I'd rather be doing anything else right now," I say and can barely make out Hizashi mumbling, "yeah you'd really like to be doing Temi." So I smacked him upside the back of the head as I walk by and say to him, "I heard that Cockatoo!" and he flinches at the old high school nickname. Nemuri starts laughing and Hizashi glares at her all I say is, "Oh yours wasn't much better Vixen," she pouts and I begin to list off several we had for her, "Or would prefer Sleeping Beauty? Perhaps Munchkin? Oh wait I know! How about Magic Misfit?" She truly hated that one the most and decided charging at me was the best option. She was stopped in a glob of honey that hardened, keeping her in here place. "Nemuri just let Shota referee Collins and Hizashi's match so I can continue to look at the star in peace. Speaking of I need to get the glow in the dark stars for my room again," the last part she says a little more to herself and I chuckled. "No biting or hair pulling, otherwise I don't care," I said and within a minute Collins had Hizashi pinned to the mat, so as the referee I did the three count and Collins won. Hizashi whispers something in Collins ear that made her blush a little and she instantly got up. "That was fast now go away so we can watch the constellations in peace," I grumble and Nemuri points down at her feet that are still stuck in the honey. I laugh at go over to Temi, only to find she is fast asleep. "She is asleep and I'm not waki-" "I got this," Collins says and walks up to Temi and goes to her ear, "Dùisg, Shota gun lèine" she says in Scottish and Temi bolts awake blushing profusely. (Dùisg means Wake up in Scottish, and Shota gun lèine literally mean Shota without shirt. In this sense it means Shota shirtless) "Collins! Don't say that, you know how I think!" Temi whines and then whispers something to her angrily to Collins to which she responds, "Yeah yeah, whatever. It's not like you can do anything about it if I don't," to which Temi growls a little. "Would you like me to tell the person that you have a crush on that you have a crush on them? They're standing right on this roof," Temi says slyly to which Collins shakes her head no profusely. "You wouldn't! Temi I didn't, and wouldn't, tell yours!" Collins says. "And who is your crush Temi?" Nemuri knowingly teased, "Nemuri, I won't hesitate to leave here. You already know who it is Vixen," Temi spat and I had a sneaking suspicion who it was. Temi made the honey are Nemuri's feet disappear and then swiftly went back to sleep. I chuckled and Collins got up and walked back over to Hizashi mumbling something about staying in his apartment that night and he nodded. I sighed and picked Temi up carrying her towards the door. The other three followed but instead of taking you into your apartment, I took you into mine putting you on my bed. I slept in my sleeping bag on the floor in my living room.
~Tim skip, it's now the middle of the night at like 1 o'clock in the morning~
~Temi's POV~
I woke up screaming, I had relived my sisters death yet again and was now having a panic attack. But what I found odd and very concerning is that Argentum and Aurum didn't come running at the sound of my scream. Thats when i realized I wasn't in my apartment as the door burst open, startling me even more, Shota was there with a very worried look on his face. "What's wrong? It's ok I'm here," he says as he slowly walks towards me. I sign the letters 'D O G' and he nods but when he gets up to go get them I grab his arm. It wasn't safe to leave me alone, instead I grabbed my phone and pulled up Collins number. Gesturing at him that he should call Collins he takes my phone and does. She picks up on the first ring, he has it on speaker phone, "Collins it's Aizawa, I need you to come to my apartment with Argentum and Aurum. Temi woke up screaming and I don't think she wants me to leave to get them," Collins was quick to agree and was here in all of five minutes. She knocks on the door and Shota tells her it's open, she comes into the room with my dogs and they jump up on the bed. Aurum is on my legs and Argentum is laying presses against my back. I was hyperventilating but Collins come over and starts singing softly to me, a lullaby that my sister used to sing for me. My breathing slowed down and Collins immediately asked me, "You relived it again?" To which I nodded, "Bloodier than last time again?" I nodded again. "What is going on here? Relive what? What is bloodier than last time?" Shota asks confused and Collins looks at me which I nod. "She told you that Finley died, but she didn't say how. (A/n and if I did I don't remember it and am to lazy to go back and look so pretend I didn't) She was murdered, and she witnessed the whole thing. The killer used a bow and arrow, he was a very good shot and could shoot multiple arrows at once. She watched several arrows sprout from Finley's chest and stomach, coming out her back. He was arrested but she has had nightmares ever since. It's why she has anxiety and also why loud noises trigger it, the last thing she heard from her sisters mouth was a gut wrenching scream," Collins explained and Shota just sat there shocked. "Oh my Gods," Shota said, I had started to breathe normally again and I just broke down and grabbed the nearest person, which happened to be Shota. I cried into his chest since he was still shirtless from earlier, he just sat there and held me. I eventually passed out in his arms. I'm assuming Collins left shortly after and Aizawa just feel asleep still holding me.
~Time skip to morning~
I woke up up in Shota's arms with a pounding headache and tears stains on my face. I tried to get out of his grasp without waking him up but it didn't work so well. His eyes slowly fluttered open and then, when he realized he was still holding me, he quickly sat up and apologized. "No need to apologize Shota, if anything it's my fault for holding onto you last night," I say as my memory becomes less hazy, "Do you have any migraine medication? I've a rotten headache?" He nods and tries to get up only for both of us to notice Aurum was laying on top of him, just watching us. I gave a short whistle and he got up and got down, soon followed by Argentum after he licked my face quite a few times. "He must like you and trust you. He doesn't fall asleep or lay on people otherwise," I say with a small smile as I get up, only to fall back onto the bed. "I feel like I have a bloody hangover," I say holding my head and I can hear a soft chuckle coming from Aizawa. He gets up and walks out, I assume to the bathroom or wherever he keeps his medicine. He comes back with a glass of water and some pills, I take a sip of the water first and it's cold, but not cold enough. "Got any ice cubes to put in here? It tastes bloody disgusting," I ask my well hidden Scottish accent shining through a bit. He goes and returns back with two ice cubes, he puts them in the cup and I taste it again. It was much colder so I put the pills in my mouth and swallowed them with some water. I got up off the bed with ease, head still pounding and I didn't have the energy to hide my accent, "Where's your bathroom? I'm walking with my eyes closed it's to bright in here," I say in a heavy Scottish accent. He guides me to the bathroom and shuts to door behind me, I splash cold water on my face and take off the latex J cut and wash the rest of the makeup off. I use the bathroom and I'm feeling much better so I walk out to his living room and kitchen, "I'm hungry, what do you have to eat?" I ask him and he laughs as he finishes folding up his sleeping bag. "Depends on what you want," he says smirking. "Waffles," I imitate Donkey from Shrek and he laughs. "You got it Bumblebee," he says, "Hah I don't remember telling you my nicknames from when I'm as a kid!" I say smiling as I jump up and sit on his counter. "You didn't I was just making a joke, cute nickname though," he says and I blush slightly. "You got coffee? I'm need some," I say and he laughs pointing to a coffee pot on the counter as he gets the ingredients to make waffles. He hands me a big mug and I pour myself a cup, usually I put cream and sugar but I needed the bitterness to sober me up after my headache, he made the batter quickly. "Oooo put cinnamon in them, they'll taste so good!" I say as I sip the bitter liquid. He turns on his waffle maker which, coincidentally or not, makes waffles shaped like honeycombs with a bee on it. He adds the cinnamon and mixes it in, at this point the waffle maker has heated up enough so he pours the batter on it. In five minutes the waffle maker dings and he plates the two waffles, "Syrup and whipped cream?" he asks and I nod licking my lips. He laughs and put syrup on my plate and his then whipped cream too. I hungrily dig in and inhale the food within seconds, "Woah! Slow down or you'll choke!" he says laughing at me. He reaches over and uses his thumb to wipe whipped cream from the corner of my mouth, "Your worse than my students sometimes," he says and I laugh.

A/n that's the end of this chapter, it's 2000-3000 words longer than previous chapters

{COMPLETED} Cats Are Friendly With Bees {Aizawa x OC}Where stories live. Discover now