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Tom quirked an eyebrow, the anger still very relevant in his eyes.

"Well, I have to say, I expected better behavior from a wealthy pureblood." He sneered.

Athena scoffed at this.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

Tom's eyes flared with rage as his hand flew up to grip her chin, forcing her to look right at him.

"I would advise you to stop it with the attitude. It won't get you anywhere." He said through gritted teeth. "You will talk to me with respect."

Athena didn't answer. She just stared into his eyes.

She assumed that if she didn't say anything, he'd leave her alone and let her go.

Her assumption was correct.

"Get your things and get off." He ordered, roughly letting go of her face. "Hurry, before the train leaves again for London."

And with that, he turned on his heels, and left her to gather her posessions.

After he left, she turned around.

What in the HELL just happened?!

She wasn't sure she could describe in words the situation that just occured.

As she picked up her things, she tried to re-evaluate what all went down.

Hogwarts already seemed to be too much, and she hadn't even gotten off of the train yet.

Athena wasn't one to cower away from social interactions. For some reason, she enjoyed the excitement of being around new people.

She did not, however, enjoy feeling overwhelmed, nor did she like being in awkward situations.

She rushed out of the compartment she'd been in, and hurried down the aisle to the door.

The last thing she needed was to miss getting off of the train.

Just as she stepped off, the train started preparing to leave again.

"Well that was awkward, don't you think?"

Athena whipped her head in the direction the voice came from.

Of course it was Ezra.

"Agreed." She said shortly.

"I just can't believe you talked back to a prefect like that. Especially Tom." Ezra said dumbstruck.

Athena's eyes widened in surprise.

"Excuse me? Did you just say a prefect?"

"Yes, Athena. A prefect." Ezra giggled.

She hit Ezra on the arm.

"Ezra! How could you not tell me that he was a prefect? This is probably going to ruin my whole school year!" She exclaimed, frustrated.

Toxic - Tom RiddleUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum