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Author's POV

Rhythmic tapping could be heard if you strain your ears. Tap. Soft humming following the taps. Tap. Humming turned to soft singing. Tap.

These monsters...

It's killing me slowly...

But I'm safe & sound when you hold me..

Do you see what we could be....

Dancing under emerald skies..

Get lost in your eyes..

I'm safe & sound..

But then I wake up and remember that it's made up...


The tapping sounds quickening their pace... in the room, there a boy who sung the song. Crying their tears flowing down his pale freckled cheeks, like waterfalls. Turns out the tears had been tapping all along. Glistening in the pale light of the studio. The greenette quickly snapped out of his trance as someone tried to open the door. He had locked it for privacy knowing he couldn't trust others to barge in, like the person tried now.

"Deku are you in here?"
The boys meekly voice responded, "Y-yeah im h-here.." "...." "So are you not going to open the door or what?" The person on the other side said. "A-Ah yes of course m-my bad." He sheepishly smiled even though the person couldn't see him. The boy rubbed his face, trying to look like he was not crying just a few minutes ago. Then he quickly scurried to the door. He barely opened the door before the person decided to just barge in there. "Aren't you a 'rising idol' your supposed to look good. Not... well this!" The person exasperated by pointing dramatically at the boy.

The boy flinched when their voice raised, and made himself look smaller as he just sadly nodded. Avoiding eye contact the best he could he said, "So what did you come here for Uraraka?" "Oh yeah! I came here for more money. Since you know my family and I are having more financial issues again." As she did exaggerated hand movements her expensive bracelets and necklace she was wearing made clanking noises.

She had shamelessly asked the boy for money mostly, because she knew he was a pushover and that she was his best friend. Knowing him from the other occasions he wouldn't refuse. "A-Ah ok h-how much?" "Hm, well I'll need five thousand. You can give it to me right? The boy just obediently nodded. "Great! Can you give it to me right now? The deadlines are tomorrow so.." "Y-yeah of course." As he smiled. "I'll go g-get it." He went out of his studio to get his wallet. The gathering tears in his eyes quickly rubbed off by him. "H-hey I'm back.."

She then outstretched her hand waiting expectantly for the money. The boy desperately trying to not cry.  "H-here you go.." as he hands her the money. "So when are we going to hang out Deku?" "A-Ah well when I'm uh free you know. Work." He stated the obvious. Uraraka then huffed like a baby "Well.. it's because I really want to go to the mall with you. You could maybe buy me something since my birthday is coming up." "S-sure I'll call y-you." As he smiled through the pain. "Ok! Bye Deku!" "B-bye!" She slammed the door most likely before even hearing his goodbye.

The moment she left he fell onto his knees and cried. Knowing she was just sucking money out of him. Knowing she's just using him. But he couldn't loose his only friend he just couldn't. Who will he have left? Sometimes the fame is just too much for him to handle.

So I'm sorry for those who don't like I made Uraraka a bitch but I had no other ideas since you know money and Uraraka 👀 if you guys want I can make some character development for her but it's only if you guys want. And POOR CINNAMON ROLL/IZUKU it was kinda hard to write that not gonna lie. I'm also sorry for my trash-like writing I just had the unexpected motivation to write a story and mostly because I really like singer/idol Izuku AU's but yeah he was singing "Safe & Sound by Hayd" I hope you stay on this journey with me till' I finish the story and mind my trash-like grammar right now since AHEM I'm lazy as ever. So bye bye my little gems AND REMEMBER YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL/HANDSOME/ATTRACTIVE AND YOU ARE WORTH IT AND PLEASE IF THIS KIND OF RELATIONSHIP IS IN YOUR LIFE CUT THAT PERSON OR PERSONS OUT OF YOUR LIFE KNOW YOUR WORTH NOW GOODBYE LOVE Y'ALL.

Limelight... BAKUDEKU Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum