That's the last thing Cole wants. Is to get in between those two. He has seen his fair share of girl fights and it never ends well. Jett notices Cole sits down next to them and she quickly picks her head up of Finley and says,

"Well I will leave you two boys alone I'm going to check on Emily." Jett says biting her lip and quickly walking away.

"Is she alright?" Cole asks.

"I think so." Finley say

"Think so?" Cole asks.

"I'm not sure girls are confusing." Finley says to him.

"Good point mate." Cole says patting Finley's shoulder.

Nate and Nash are up soon too and they go to sit down by the fire to warm up on the cold morning. Ivy is up shortly too and sees the two boys and goes over to see them.
"Hey guys." Ivy says.

"Hey Ivy." Nate says.

"How did you guys sleep?" Ivy asks, trying to start a normal morning conversation.

"Alright." Nate says.

Nash sees Capri sitting by herself on another side of the fire and he walks up from Ivy and Nate's conversation to go talk to her. Nash has been hiding something he just doesn't know if he should tell them or not. So he thought why not start with Capri and see what she says.

"Hey Capri." Nash says.

"Hey Nash." Capri says as he sits down next to her.

"I umm. I have to tell you something but uhhh...we might need to talk to the...the umm group about's something I saw in the uhhh..." Nash is cut off by Bryar coming behind them.

"Hey lovebirds." She says leaning on Capri's shoulder.

"Hey way no not love birds." Capri says quickly, stumbling over her words.

"Whatever you say." Bryar says, giving a cheeky smile.

"What are you three talking about." Owen says dropping in.

"Oh..umm..n...nothing." Nash says.

"Well from over there it looked like you were talking about something intense." Owen says.

"It was nothing." Capri says quickly then standing up to go get some food leaving Nash sitting by the fire alone. Owen and Bryar walk a little bit together.

"What did you think that was about?" Bryar asks.

"Maybe Capri's pregnant and it's Nash's." Owen says.

"Eww gross Owen its not that!" Bryar says with a disgusted look on her face. Owen just laughs a little.

The day goes on as normal and people are playing games hanging around the fire. People are starting to get bored through running out of things to do. Soon night falls and it is only colder than it was in the morning. Finley and Jett seem to be in some intense conversation a couple feet from where everyone is gathered around the fire. All the sudden they hear yelling and everyone around the fire turns their heads too Jett and Finley.

"Wait Jett that's not what I meant when I said...ugg...Jett come back don't go into the forest alone." Finley says.

"Should we go get Jett?" Nate asks.

"Definitely." Emily says standing up and grabbing a flashlight. The group grabs the flashlights and heads into the forest to try and find where Jett went off to.

"Glad we brought the flash lights now Capri." Camron says with a little sas.

"Yeah whatever Camron." Capri says back to her.

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