Chapter 8 - The Life Spirit

Start from the beginning

It was a lot to take in. I mean a life spirit? Bringing people back from dead? Isn't that god like? I was speechless, a lot of thoughts were running in my mind and I totally spaced out, until Rafael gently tapped on my shoulder making me realize that Dumbledore had just asked me something.

"Um, no sir, nothing like that, but just that, it's the same owl I have as my pet, Nyra" I replied.

"Well, we don't know much about your abilities yet, so the professors can keep teaching you and I will keep searching in the library to find out more about you.

"I can take Defense against Dark Arts" Professor Snape said.

"Alright Severus. Minerva?" asked Dumbledore looking at Professor McGonagall. She looked at me and said, "I can take Transfiguration"

Professor Flitwick looked at me and said, "I can take charms and apparition"

Professor Sprout said, "I'll take Herbology"

"Now, Olivia, these subjects will be taught to you at a practical approach, not theory because of course you will be studying at Hogwarts in your coming years, no one has to know about this, except for the people present in this room. Do you understand?" Professor Dumbledore asked me sternly, his rather polite and humble nature, no where to be seen on his face.

I gulped and said, "Yes, Professor."

"As, it is your first day, today you are excused, enjoy it with, what I can call your new friends, we will start tomorrow" he said and we all left his office.

We sat down outside The Great Hall to discuss each other's lives and what they wanted to become after they finished Hogwarts and all the other stuff. I found out that the three of them had a unique ability themselves. 

Cat is a metamorphmagus. Jo was an Animagus. Chris was a Parselmouth and well, Rafael was a normal wizard, he was an orphan, so he decided to stay at Hogwarts. His parents were also killed by Voldemort. But he was very bright, quick on his feet and very well-mannered and he was very smart looking, he had black hair that sat perfectly on his head, combed back, he had dark green eyes like a thick forest he was tall for his age and as I said earlier had the cutest smile, showing all his teeth and a cute dimple on his right.

The five of us decided that as it was the only us in the whole school, that we would stay in one house only, till we all were there of course. We asked Dumbledore, who saw no harm and allowed us to stay in the Slytherin Common Room, as Chris was the eldest and he knew his way around the school and the dungeons.

We spent the whole day talking and playing wizard chess, which I mind you, I'm not good at, eating and roaming around the castle. The only place that I liked and seemed to enjoy the most was The Astronomy Tower, the view from that tower was no like the other, which Rafael didn't agree, he told me that The Ravenclaw Tower, had a much better view.

The next day, my first class to find out who or what I was, was with Professor Snape. We met at the ground to practice some defense spells which to my wonder was, why would I need it? I mean what was going to happen to me while I was at Hogwarts. And outside Hogwarts? We aren't supposed to do magic. So why?

Professor Snape was a totally different person to me when he was personally teaching me. He was kind and polite and had patience, which took me by surprise because he had this 'angry and tough' teacher look, always, but why was he being nice? To me?

We started my training in the grounds. Professor Snape shot his first spell at me and with a swish of my wand I blocked. I blocked it? How can that be possible? I haven't even been taught this. Snape took a note of this in his book and he kept doing that with every spell that I blocked.

Then he created a small fire around me and told me to get out of it without using any spell or my wand. Wait, without any spell or my wand? How was that possible? But Snape assured me I could do it. He told me to think - what I wanted to and that's what I did. And the fire froze near me like ice and I got out of it easily. Snape looked proud of what I did. And for once, it was nice seeing Snape 'proud' of me. My training for the day with Snape was done.

I stayed where I was. Professor McGonagall came and we tried Transfiguration, first on objects, then she told me to try it on her and I did. And I was a natural at it.

I saw Jo and Cat coming to the ground. McGonagall told me that now I had to try transforming into an animal or any object that I wanted to. I tried but I couldn't succeed. Jo told me to think about the item or animal I wanted to transform into. I did, but I couldn't. Professor McGonagall said that it was enough for the day.

The next day I tried to learn more charms and apparition. It wasn't quite difficult for me, but transfiguration was. Few days went by and I had almost completed my training. The only training left for me was Parseltongue and Transfiguration.

After a lot of vigorous learning and practice, I mastered it too. I learnt a lot of new spells and jinxes and hexes. I was the only witch that could do wandless magic at Hogwarts in present time. All of these revelations were too much for me to take. I couldn't bear the idea of all this. This wasn't normal, definitely. And I am a muggle born, how could I have so many powers within me? A lot of questions were running in my mind.

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