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(Credits to the real owner of the photo above.)

— Tsukasa's POV

Yashiro? Eh? Yashiro..? No.. don't leave me.. Y-Yashiro!...


AHH! oh, it was just dream.. Another sad dream...

— Morning

Someone opened the door and Tsukasa hide on the back of the sofa.

"Is there someone here?"

The door opened again and Tsukasa heard someone's familiar voice

"Ah kid why are you here?" The janitor said.

"Ah eh, I just forgot something here, and you?" I replied.

"I heard some boy's voice eh.. But I think I misheard it, well then I better go.  Bye." The janitor said his goodbye and left the room.


Yashiro keep finding Tsukasa.

"Tsukasa? Are you here?"

Someone hug Yashiro tightly.

— Yashiro POV

Where is that Tsukasa??  I'm sure that he is here hiding.


Just someone is hugging me?


"EHHH?! TSUKASA!" I looked at Tsukasa and saw him crying.

"Tsukasa? Are you okay?" I asked.

"Do I look okay?" He replied.

"Ah-  I mean, Why are you crying?"

"...." Tsukasa was quiet and looks away from me.

HUH?!  What's wrong with him?

"Are you.. going to leave me..?" Tsukasa said with a lonely tone.

Eh? Why would he ask that thing? I mean, does something happened?

"No of course!  Why would you ask that thing?! Did something happened?" I asked.

"I just dreamed that you are leaving me..."

I felt sad to Tsukasa, its just my first time seeing him this sad. 

"Oi rat."

Tsukasa looked at me and I pat his head.

"YASHIROOO!"  He cried and hugged me tightly.

"There, there"  I said  as I patting his head.

"So, why are you here Yashiro?"  Tsukasa asked.

"Isn't obvious? I'm here to attend classes." I replied.

"Huh?  But..  pfft- HAHA"  Tsukasa laughs.

"Eh? Why are you laughing? I'm serious!" I replied.

"There are no classes right now idiot."

Huh? How? Why?

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked.

"I don't know either, but look there are no students here."  Tsukasa said.

"Oh is that so, hmmm...  Then I shall take my leav-"

Yashiro was planning to go home but suddenly Tsukasa holds Yashiro's hand.

"Don't leave."  Tsukasa pouts.

As Tsukasa holds Yashiro's hand, he was mentally saying "please don't leave me.", "stay with me".

I'm in love to an Apparition named Tsukasa [A Tsukasa x Yashiro FAN-FIC]Where stories live. Discover now