Ew, I can see his ribs.

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    "Yo, Tyler!"

    I looked up, watching a tall man with slick, spiked up hair snatch the gun from Pig man. He had sunglasses on, even though clouds were overhead, threatening North Carolina with rain.

    "Who's your little buddy, Ty?"

    Tyler glanced back down at me, reaching for my mask. " How the fuck should I know?" He said, " I just found him. He was gonna rob this place, too."

    The mysterious man frowned at me. "Well, I'm glad you did. He would have screwed the rest of the plan up. Notify the guys about this...slight set back."

    Tyler repositioned the plastic swine that blocked his face, then reached down to try and pull off my mask.

    I summoned the last of my strength, still woozy from being jumped. "No!" I yelled as I twisted away, "P-please!"

    "Geez. Fine, we didn't want to see your ugly face anyway." Tyler said.

    My body shook, racked with slight sobs that I struggled to contain. I didn't want to die. I did not want them knowing who I was. I was hanging from my last thread of dignity, and it was shattered when an earsplitting growl erupted violently from my stomach. I was starving.

    Tyler sighed. "Evan, the guy looks like a fucking skeleton."

    Even nodded. "Kinda gross, isn't it?" He lightly moved me with his foot. "Ew." He said, "I can see his ribs."

    A gust of wind pushed Evan's red and white jacket against his large frame. Evan was muscular, and I was screwed.

    A loud voice boomed from behind them, spitting and cursing like he had just lost his life savings to a rigged poker game. Both of my captors whipped around. Evan dropped my gun as he flinched; it landed on the side of my head, knocking me out cold.

    Luke. That guy I rolled with. Fuck, he wasn't just 'that guy I rolled with,' he was my best friend since secondary school. What was he going to do with out me? I was supposed to get us money. He gave me his last fifteen dollars to buy my hockey mask after I promised this would get us off the streets. Maybe Luke would be better off not being held down by a criminal.
    "Hey, sleeping beauty. Are you up yet?"

    I was yanked out of my thoughts. I could feel the rythmic swaying of the car we were in as we sped down a highway. Rain tapped on the glass windows. My eyes opened slowly, vision blurrily fading in and out. Tears were ready to spill from my eyes, making me wish we were outside so the fear could be washed away.

    "Tyler, stop bothering freak. Don't peak at his face, either." Evan sounded like a parent ready to throttle their misbehaving child.

    Tyler scoffed. "And why should I listen to you?"

   " Because," Evan sighed, " I am the driver, and I will not hesitate to turn this car around and take your ass to jail."

   They began to laugh together overwhelmingly loud.

    "We should quiet down, dude. Freak doesn't seem to like the noise."


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