Phase 1 - Bearers of the Mark Arc, Episode 2 - The Journey Back home

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(Chapter 2 - Our Path shall Cross again)

Two whole years has pass since the Destruction of the Falls and one year has pass since Lincoln Loud met a Blue Hair girl named Hilda from the Northern Continent during his two year training. Now back on the Eastern Continent Lincoln is getting his stuff packed to return to his hometown in Royal Woods.

"You did well these past two Years Lincoln, when you get back home let Wally known I asked about him."

Lincoln puts on his backpack, "Thanks for everything Sensei, I'll let him know."

"Before you go I have something for you." The Sword Master hands Lincoln a Katana

Now in Trolberg Hilda is getting her things ready to head to the Western Continent "Mum I'm leaving."

Johann turned around, "Okay did you told Heidi you're leaving?"

"I tried but she locked her room door when ever I tried to talk to her, it's been like that since Dad's friend asked him to watch over her since I was little." Hilda said

"Give her time, You did when we came to Trolberg." Johanna said

"Alright." Once she picked up Twig Hilda head to the front door

After reaching the Bus Station Lincoln head on the next Bus leaving for Royal Woods, as he took his seat he gets a text on his Smart Phone and click onto it. "It's from Hilda," He read what the next says "How's it been Lincoln?, I want you to know that by the time you reach Royal Woods I'll be on my way there by Train."

"Hilda coming to see me, I guess she been thinking about out first meeting." Lincoln said to himself

Later that afternoon as Lincoln gets off the Bus he enters the Station where he's meet by Coach Pacowski "Coach what bring you over here, are you waiting for someone?"

Just then a older man wearing a cloak spoke out to Lincoln "You the White Hair one, That is not acting on his own you must get away from him."

Lincoln turned around and look upward and see the man, "What the-- who are you?" he asked

"Behind you!"

Lincoln Observation Haki is triggered and he jumped out of the way and as he turned around he see Coach Pacowski slamming his fist into the ground making a huge hole in the ground causing everyone to ran in a panic

"Coach Pacowski what the hell are you doing?" Lincoln demanded

Then Coach Pacowski spoke, "M-Must kill White Hair bearer of the mark."

Suddenly the White Storm (Shiroi Arashi) Emblem appeared on Lincoln's right hand, the man in the cloak notices this "So he's one of the choose, along with the Blue Hair one who has the Azure Light Emblem on her hand."

Lincoln tried to plead to his old gym Coach to stop, "Coach Pacowski you must stop this, someone is gonna call the police if you don't what grudge you have with me, I take responsibly just stop."


With no choose Lincoln raise his fist and lands a blow into Coach Pacowski's stomach, this caused him to return to normal "Lincoln?"

"Coach you can heard me?" Lincoln asked

"Yeah I can hear ya, why I'm doing inside the Bus Station?" Coach Pacowski asked

than the Man in the Cloak said, "You were able to free him from their control."

Lincoln turned around and grab the guy by his shirt, "You answer me, What going on here why Coach Pacowski tried to attack me out of the open?"

"Now is not the time to explain, first you must use the skills you Master taught to defeat the two who cause this."

"What are their names?" Lincoln demanded

"Their names are Hank and Hawk I believe."

Upon hearing those names Lincoln began to remember what those two did on Halloween that one time when he and Clyde were little. "Those two?" Lincoln yelled

Coach Pacowski asked, "Just what did those drop outs do to me?"

"While this young man was away training for two years, those two have join a group known as the Order of the Eclipses, I tried to warn the girl called Lynn Loud Jr not to face them however she took off."

"And you didn't stop her, That's one of my sisters damn you!" Lincoln yelled, he then take off

Then Coach Pacowski said, "Hey buddy you still haven't answer my question."

"Whatever they use to take control over you, Lincoln managed to break they hold over you using one hit, That boy has a Latent Ability which only half of it been unlock during his two year Training."

(Chapter 3 - The Azure Light and the White Storm)

Moments afterward Hilda steps out of the Train to see the Train Station look like a tornado hit it "What happened here , everything looks like -----"

Just then two men step out of the shade "So you're the girl we been told to target."

"Target me, under who's orders?" Hilda demanded

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