Inuyasha Fanfiction: Bluebeard

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The team was sitting by the fire, but it wasn't just Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango, Kilala, Mirkou, and Shippo. There sitting by another fire a few feet away was Sesshomaru, Rin, Kohaku, Ah-Un and Jaken. Koga and his wolves were sitting a couple feet by a fire too. Lord Inutashio, Lady Izayoi, and Lady Inukimi were by another fire. This time Kikyo and Ayame is here too.

Kagome: I'll be the maiden. Inuyasha can be Bluebeard. Mirkou, Kohaku, and Shippo can be the three older brothers. Kikyo, Ayame, and Sango can be the three ex-wife's.


Once Upon A Time....

There was a maiden who always wanted to get married to a prince. One day Inuyasha was walking in the forest looking for a wife and that's when he saw Kagome giving water to her big brothers who where wood cutters.

Kagome: I had a dream about a prince who wanted to marry me.

Mirkou: Really?

Kohaku: Amazing.

Shippo: Cool.

Kagome: Oh I would love to marry him one day. Sigh!

Inuyasha then left the forest and sent a horse carriage to Kagome's hut.

Servant: My master sent me to pick up your sister for her hand in marriage.

Kagome: EEHH!!! My prince has come. YES!!

Mirkou: Kagome maybe we should meet him first.

Kagome: No need!! Bye.

Shippo: Sister.

But Kagome already got into the white and gold horse carriage to Inuyasha's castle.

Kagome was put into a room with where a white silk dress was waiting for her.

Kagome: This dress is wonderful.


Inuyasha: This is your husband to be may I come in?

Kagome: Yes.

Inuyasha opened the door and Kagome saw him with his blue beard.

Kagome: Epp!!

Inuyasha: Does my blue beard scare you?

Kagome: It did, but I'm alright with it.

Inuyasha: You are so kind and sweet that's what I like in a girl. I'm glad I choose you as my bride.

Kagome: Me too.

Inuyasha: Come lets get the wedding arrangements ready.

Kagome: Okay.

After a few days Inuyasha and Kagome were married and they lived together happily. One day

Inuyasha told Kagome that he had to go on a two week long journey.

Kagome: Your going to leave me her by myself.

Inuyasha: Don't worry. Here.

He gave her the keys that unlocked all of the rooms in the mansion.

Inuyasha: These should keep you entertained. But don't use this gold key on the dark door. You must promise me.

Kagome: I promise.

Then the next day Inuyasha left. Kagome opened every door except the dark door in the house every day. Each door had art, gold, coins, Jewelry, fine clothes, and treasures.

Kagome: This is amazing.

One the last day of Inuyasha's journey. Kagome's brothers went into the forest by the mansion to cut down trees. While Kagome was going through the rooms. She then saw the dark door.

Kagome: Inuyasha said I can't, but I am so curious.

She unlocked the door and went through it. Inside was Inuyasha's three ex-wife's Kikyo,Sango,Ayame, there dead bodies on the walls.

Kagome dropped the gold key into a puddle of blood she picked it up and closed the door. She ran into her bedroom.

Kagome: Oh my goodness what should I do. I must wash the gold key.

But the key was stained and the blood stayed there.

Inuyasha came back.

Inuyasha: Kagome my dear I'm here.

Kagome: Hello husband.

Inuyasha: Where are my keys?

Kagome: Here.

Inuyasha: And the gold key?

Kagome: here...

Inuyasha saw the blood on the gold key.

Inuyasha: You went into the room. Now that you know my secret you must die.

He took out his Tessaiga.

Kagome: Oh Please.

Inuyasha chased Kagome around the mansion. That's when lightning struck the house causing it to go on fire.

Kagome: Oh No.

Luckily her brother were still outside.

Mirkou: Oh No the mansion is on fire.

Shippo: We have to save her and her husband.

Kohaku: Good idea.

They rushed inside and saw Inuyasha about to kill Kagome.

Inuyasha: I'm sorry I have to kill you my love. But I must.

Kagome: No Help!!

Kagome's brothers raised there axes and killed Inuyasha and took Kagome out of mansion. The mansion was burned down.

Kagome learned a very good lessons about dreams,love, and trust. She and her brothers went back home.

And They Lived Happily Ever After.


Rin: That was a little scary.

Shippo: That blue beard was scary.

Inuyasha: And crazy.

Inutashio: I don't blame you.

Kagome: We all get ready for tomorrow Shippo and Rin. For tomorrow I'm going to read you the story of The Jungle Book. It's the last story.

Shippo and Rin: Ohh!

*********************************************End of Chapter 32************************************************

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