The hopelessly in love girl

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A carriage embark on the trek to a wonderfully spectacular mansion. Inside the carriage hums a girl with dark hair and brown eyes. The brunette appears to be in her teens. Opposite the young girl was a maid with deep purple hair and blue eyes.

"You seem to be in a good mood, My Lady"

"Hehe," a brilliant smile radiates from the Young lady. "Why, yes Scarlet. I will have the pleasure to see Lord William after all ."

Scarlet looks at her Young Lady. She was grinning from ear to ear. The perfect look of a hopeless girl in love. Sigh.

After about twenty minutes, the carriage reached its destination. A servant helped the Young Lady step off the high platform. She walks in front of the gates. Two emotionless guards stood watch until they see the Young Lady.

The brunette stood in front of the guards. " Nice to see you men again. May I trouble you to prompt Lord William about my visit?" She topped her request with a smile.

Heavy sighs came out from their mouth. One of them ran back to the house to prompt the lord of this whimsical lady's sudden visit. A couple of minutes passed before the head butler came out, and informed the guards to let the lady in.

"Pardon me My Lady, I was not aware you were gonna... visit today." The butler seemed rather calm by the lady's visit.

"Fufu, thank you for your gracious welcome Asher." The lady glanced at the head butler. He was in his mid twenties. His young age in being appointed as the head butler speaks of his excellent capabilities. "I suddenly missed Lord William oh so much! I had to just visit!"

Scarlet sigh again at her lady. A couple of others could be heard in the background. Yet, the Young Lady seemed ignorant of the troubled reaction garnered towards her.

Ahem. "This Asher will direct your Lady into the mansion. However, my Lord is currently plagued with some documents, so you will have to wait for a bit until he is done."

"No worries! I can wait for as long as I can. I wasn't planning on leaving until I met Lord William!" The gleeful girl responded.


"Very well." Asher led Scarlet and the lady inside the mansion to a guest room. They served her tea and some snacks while she waited. She talked amiably with Scarlet, unfazed by the bewildered reactions from the maid presuming the room.

Some time passed before a knock was heard from the door. The Young Lady fervently directed her gaze to the two gentlemen and Asher entering. A man in his early twenties with blonde hair and a pair of gleaming red eyes stepped inside. Adorned in a white dress shirt paired with a typical black trousers. He is definitely the type of man to be popular with the ladies. "Good afternoon, My Lady. What brings you to my mansion today?"

The Young Lady's eyes gleamed upon his appearance. Ah. His voice is so smooth and soothing. He looks handsome today as well. "I wanted to see you very very much! You have no idea how much I miss you Lord William!," she responded with great animation and enthusiasm. Her whole being emit her joy from William. Then, she ran to him and did what a noble lady should refrain from. She abruptly hugged the blonde-haired man.

"Um, My Lady," William was troubled by her actions. "Please refrain from such conducts. I'm afraid it is unbefitting of a y-"

"But I dont mind! Who cares whatever people think!" William's perfect demeanor was cracking. Why is this girl here? And those eyes... are so... obsessed.

"Hey! Stop this reckless behavior immediately Winnie! Your actions are obviously troubling William here! Obediently go back to the Marigold estate." The voice comes from the other man who came in with William. He had brown hair and golden eyes. The man was the Duke of the Marigold house.

"My brother~ I was not aware of your presence!" Winnie dawned a surprised face.

A vein of irritation popped from his head. "Geez, William is my friend. I will not allow you to be a bother anymore than you are."

"How mean brother! Why wouldn't I check on the person I adore the most in this world?" Hearts can be almost seem in her eyes as she directed her gaze towards William Moriarty, the second son of the Moriarty house. "In the first place, it is unfair of you to hog Lord William all to yourself. And here I am wanting to spend some lovey dovey alone time with Lord William." Winnie pouted.

"You mean your one sided obsession?" smirked Alfred.

"He will fall for me one day!" Winnie retorted.

"Hmm~ oh really?~"

"Now, now you guys." Lord Moriarty interjected the two's little banter. He directed his eyes on Winnie. He scans Winnie from head to toe. A glint can be seen in his eyes. "I am sorry My Lady, but I have some more matters to discuss with Alfred. Would you mind heading home?" Lord Moriarty said those words with a smile and with much demeanor.

Winnie Marigold look at those eyes and his face. Then, she broke out in a huge smile and said "nope."

Its needless to say everyone had a crestfallen and disturbed face. Even the posed Lord Moriarty cannot sway Lady Marigold's desires.

Lady Marigold and Scarlet rode on their carriage back to the Marigold estate after several hours spent exhausting the Lord Moriarty. Alfred Marigold was riding on a separate carriage behind them.

The glowing moonlight covered Lady Marigold's face upon her fixed look outside the carriage window. She beheld a poker face, contrary to her expressive self today. Scarlet noted how a beauty her Lady was. She couldn't help but be enamored with her for a moment. Lady Marogold broke her admiration of the moon to Scarlet.

"You know Scarlet, Lord William exudes himself as a gentleman. He has the perfect face. His manners are also one everybody will like. He's also brilliant and has an amiable smile."

"Yes, my Lady?"

"But you know, when you look at that smile again... he reminds me of a sleezebag."


"Why the heavy sigh Scarlet?"

"My Lady... please don't mess with him too much."

"..." A smile. No. A smirk.

I hope nobody makes her angry. There will be hell to pay.

Winnie Marigold (William x OC)Where stories live. Discover now