And immediately, I grabbed Yui hands and looked for the nearest door or exit that I could find. We couldn't exit the building anymore because the 1st floor was taken by these men already.

We had to go upstairs.

I looked back one more time to see if the things I'm seeing are actually reality itself. There were piles of body laying around, and pools of blood on each of them. They were once filled with life, now it was lifeless like a stick broken from a branch.

I can still feel the evil aura encase me, and I have yet to escape it.

There was no conversation between me and Yui. Just pure silence.

We were both terribly terrified, our eyes about to stream with tears, our expressions were obviously written with fear.

Fear of dying.

Hikigaya-kun was right. He was right all along.

We were eventually left with no choice but to go to the top floor of the building.

We might last longer, or we might get out alive.

I looked to the window and see a bright yellow and orange glow from the first floor below.

There was a huge fire going on.

A huge fire, 5 men wanting to kill us. I don't know what was more terrifying.

Your healthy lungs eventually filled with smoke or the thought of seeing your best friend's lifeless body, and if Yui sees mine.

"Yukinon... we should have..."

"I know what you are going to say.. I know that we both made a huge mistake. But right now is not the time to think about that. We need to think of a plan to escape or else we both might lose our lives."

They say when a person's life is at risk, they are at a whole different level with strength, thinking, and strong will.

I don't know which one I had but I'm glad to have it. It could potentially save my life if I make the right choice.

"There should be a ladder on the roof of this building. The ladder connects to the ground and we need to make it there as quick as possible."

She quickly nods a bunch of times out of nervousness.

"Okay, follow my lead.."

I open the door of the room we were hiding in to hide our identity from the attackers.

Eventually, we met one of them who was unknown of our presence. We were behind him, slowly walking back to our room.

Then I felt something grab onto my mouth, and Yui's mouth was also grabbed.

We were both pulled into another room and couldn't identify who was putting their hands on both our mouths.

Was this it?

Am I going to die? Is this how Hikigaya-kun felt everyday when he was doing his time?

[ Hachiman's POV ]


I put my index finger to my mouth, silencing both the girls.

Their look of shock and relief were displayed simultaneously.

"If you guys want to live to see another day, you both need to follow my commands. Do not speak, do not scream. And do not make one wrong move, you might forfeit your life. Do you both understand?"

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