29. Taking a Stand

Start from the beginning

"Heimdall, where is everyone?" Cora asks as she looks around and see's no sign of the royals or the warriors. Heimdall keeps his gaze on the windows at the back of the great hall.

"Their Majesties and Highnesses, were called away on urgent business as were the warriors." Heimdall says as he turns his gaze to the recruits.

"So, then what are we doing?" Peter asks curiously.

"Their Highnesses and Majesties have given me instruction for today. You will be completing a new punishment at their request. Since some of you want glory and heroism, I'm tasked with having you all see what can happen when things go to your head." Heimdall says, everyone looks back and forth at each other and then back at Heimdall.

"What do you mean by having us see what can happen?" Olivia asks, as she looks at Heimdall and then looks at the table.

"You will all see, everyone up and follow me to the Observatory." Heimdall says as he begins to walk out of the great hall.

"We don't get to eat anything before we do this? You know we all just woke up." Andre practically cries out.

"Their Highnesses said all of you may eat, after this punishment is complete. Now, everyone follow me to the Observatory." Heimdall says as he exits the great hall.

"This isn't fair. Rebuilding the village should have been enough punishment." Xander says as he gets up from the table and stays a good distance away from Cora and those in her group.

"Wonder what we have to do now." Peter wonders, as he walks next to Cora. Shrugging her shoulders, Cora keeps her eyes forward as she follows Heimdall back outside.

"Everyone, please keep up. We have a schedule to keep." Heimdall says as everyone follows behind him. Everyone slowly walks through the village, and surveys the remaining damage.

"Still a lot to do." Peter quietly says, Cora slightly nods her head. As they approach the rainbow bridge everyone starts to feel a strange sense of uncertainty.

"I've got a bad feeling about whatever it is we are about to do." Olivia says as she walks next to Cora.

"Something doesn't seem right. It's too quiet for this time of the day." Andre says from beside Peter.

As the recruits all step into the Observatory, Heimdall walks up to the podium where his sword waits in the Bifrost transporter.

"Before we get on with the punishment. Can anyone tell me what happened after his Highness Thor fought off the Frost-giants that had come into Asgard?"Heimdall asks and looks out at the recruits.

None of the recruits immediately raise their hand. Cora waits a few moments before raising her hand. Heimdall looks at her and then looks down and shakes his head.

"Does anyone other than Miss Cora know the answer?" Heimdall says and waits to see if any other recruit raises their hand, none of them do. Heimdall nods to Cora and allows her to answer the question.

"Thor, the Warriors, and Loki all traveled to Jotunheim and Thor tried to exact revenge on the Frost-Giants for invading Asgard." Cora answers, Heimdall nods with approval.

"Correct. Now as for your punishment, you will all be subjected to keeping each other alive, and out of harms way. You will also see what the consequences could be if you disobey orders again." Heimdall says and then turns his sword in the Bifrost.

The beam of light rains down on the recruits and shoots them up into the sky and away from the Observatory. It takes only but a second for the recruits to be transported. As the light rains down on the ground, the recruits all gasp once the light disappears around them.

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