Cora moves out of the way, and Ragnar replaces Cora as Gisli's head rest. Cora keeps her hand on Gisli's mane as she moves to the side. Loki's eyes narrow as he tries to figure out what is going on.

"Loki, what is taking so long? You said you'd check out the situation and then report back." Thor says as he comes into view of the riding arena, he see's Cora in the middle of the arena with both horses.

"Cora? What is going on here?" Thor asks, confused and a bit angry.

"Shhh, something seems to be wrong with Gisli." Loki says as he tries to keep Thor quiet.

"What could possibly be wrong with the horse." Thor asks, Cora's head snaps over in Loki and Thor's direction as she hears Thor.

"Are both of you serious? Neither one of you can clearly tell what's wrong with her?" Cora asks as she takes her hand away from Gisli's mane and walks toward them. Ragnar quickly stretches his neck out and uses his teeth to grip on to Cora's flannel, making sure she won't leave his and Gisli's side.

"Hey, it's okay, I'll be right back." Cora says as she pets the bridge of Ragnar's nose. Ragnar releases Cora's flannel and she continues to walk to Thor and Loki.

"What's going on with her?" Loki asks concern clearly coating his voice. Cora stops a few feet away from them, and looks at both Thor and Loki.

"Gisli is in labor." Cora says, Thor and Loki exchange a look of pure concern, they then look back at Cora.

"How can you tell?" Thor asks, Cora rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. Loki gives a slight smile as he see's Cora acts just like him.

"Watch her stomach every time she breathes." Is all Cora says, both Thor and Loki watch like Cora says to do and both gasp when they see something move down as Gisli breathes.

"Within the last Eleven months to a year no one noticed this?" Cora asks concern coating her voice.

"No, she's been acting just as she always has. There hasn't been a change within her diet or activity levels." Thor says, but then thinks about it.

"She stopped eating the day of the battle, just after I brought her inside." Loki says as he looks to Thor and then back to Cora. Gisli neighs loudly, jumps, and stomps on the ground. Cora rushes back over to both horses.

"Easy girl, easy." Cora says as she approaches Gisli. Gisli lightly jumps as Cora stands on the side of her. Ragnar becomes frantic and backs away from Gisli. He begins to run circles around the riding arena, kicking up the dirt as he picks up speed.

"Loki, control your horse." Thor says, Loki gives Thor a look of annoyance and disgust.

"He can't be stopped, it's a protective move. To make sure whoever is in the center of the dust cloud stays safe." Loki says as he keeps his eyes on the center of the dust cloud.

"Had you gotten rid of that horse when we had told you to, this wouldn't be happening." Thor says and instantly regrets it, because Loki charges at him and pins him to the wall.

"That horse, is the only thing I have left from a time that was actually enjoyable to me. I don't go around telling you to get rid of things that bring peace of mind to you, so don't do that to me." Loki says and let's go of Thor, just as Loki looks back toward the riding arena, Ragnar slows down, Gisli let's out a loud neigh, and the dust cloud begins to settle.

"At a girl Gisli, you did so good. Look, that's your baby." Loki hears Cora say, as the dust settles completely, Loki gasps as he see's Gisli has given birth to a black and white colored horse. Ragnar comes up next to Gisli and the new baby Piebald foal.

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