"Eret goes in to help him, and I decide to watch, for I had predicted there would be a fight."

"Were you right?" Tubbo was almost vibrating with excitement. If he strained his ears, Tommy could hear a faint buzz coming from the boy. Bees.

"I was right, Tubbo! This tiger lady, white fur and everything, she kicks the shit out of Henry! And Eret too, sort of. If there hadn't been two of them, well, I bet she would've-"

"Excuse me, hello?"

As Tommy's rant was interrupted, the two boys snapped their heads to look at the person behind them.

He was tall, very tall. He had floppy brown hair, a red beanie resting on top (testing item, perhaps?). His dark eyes were warm, yet the layer of calculative observance did not go unnoticed.

On his own, the man would not be very striking. However, the large set of antlers that emerged from his skull added to his already imposing height.

"What?" Tommy fixed the man with a glare, ears perked up.

"Tommy," Tubbo hissed, before turning to the man, "Can we help you?"

"Yes, I think you might be able to. I heard your friend mention a white tiger hybrid?"

"Yes, what of it?"

Quite frankly, Tommy didn't trust the man. He probably had malicious intent. Most people did.

"My friend happens to be a white tiger, and I haven't seen her at all. Did something happen, or...?"

Tubbo fixed Tommy with a look. Tommy averted his eyes.



"Tell him."

Tommy grumbled, not quite meeting Tubbo's eyes.


"Fine. Sit down- What's your name?"


"Actually, I don't care. Anyways. The story."

Tommy recounted the events, including sound effects, and wild hand gestures.

The man seemed to be engaged, which was a win. He didn't know why he cared about the man's opinion of his storytelling skills, but it felt good nonetheless.

The tale was brought to a close, and the two boys looked at the man, awaiting his response.

"Well, that's... That explains a lot. I'm not surprised that Niki, out of all people- I digress. Thanks, you two. What are your names, by the way?"

"I'm Tubbo, and this is Tommy! It was no problem, really-"

"It was a big problem. If you'd be on your way?"

Tubbo gave him a subtle glare, but Tommy was more focused on getting the man to leave.

The man stared at the other two, before bursting into laughter. The two boys shared a glance, bewildered.

"Alright, alright, I should be going. Thanks again."

The man stood, preparing to depart.

"Oh, and I'm Wilbur. Wilbur Soot."

He gave a bow- what kind of overdramatic dickhead bows before leaving- before turning, and, finally, leaving.

The two were finally alone again, and Tommy was prepared to relax in the peaceful-

"What was that all about?"

Tommy's thoughts were cut off by Tubbo's questioning tone.

"What do you mean?"

"Listen, Tommy, you were a bit of an asshole-"

"Was not."

"You definitely were. He just wanted to know about his friend?"

"He was sketchy. Could see the bloodlust in his eyes."



"He's a deer, Tommy. You have way more bloodlust than him."

"I dunno Tubbo, have you seen them in mating season? They fight and shit."

"What's this really about?"

"'Dunno, just didn't like his energy. He was... He might've had malicious intentions!"

"So you wanted to protect me?"

Tommy wanted to wipe the smug grin off of his face.

"Us, Tubbo. We've to stick together, yeah?"

"Yeah. It's just funny how you're all protective."

"I'm not!" Tommy's face quickly turned scarlet. Deny, deny, deny.

"You are. Would you like to hear about Blood Falls? It's in Antarctica."

"Yes? Of course I want to hear about Blood Falls, Tubbo."

Tubbo grinned, before launching into an explanation.

This was nice.

A/N: Hey guys! New chapter out! And we meet Wilbur, also tiger lady is Niki, but you probably already guessed that!

Feel free to leave a comment, as they really help to motivate me :] Thanks for reading!

Weathered Walls || MCYT AU || DISCONTINUED!! Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang