Rescue mission

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The ministry and Auroras show up.

Take away peter.

Finally....(my thoughts)

Sirius is escorted to St.Muogos ( Idk how to spell this?)

"Well boys, I hope you have a reasonable explanation for all of this" she states. after the auroras take away Pettigrew.

"you see... I heard I had a godfather but according to Gringotts the black and potter family bank managers say he was never the one that was the secret keeper." Hades replies intelligently leaving out a lot of info.

She makes a face of surprise before masking it. she does not press on the issue anymore before, she sends the boys off with gratitude and sterness.

The boys walk back to the dorms and change then head to the great hall.

They sat at the Slytherin table with Blaise at dinner.

luna a newly sister figure from raven claw joined them.

they held many conversations.

some for the future. (Luna can see)

others for the current classes they have.

Hanna chats with Susan ideally while eating dessert.

Hades just eats some mango and bananas with a choice of water for a drink.

During earlier day classes, they started to discuss creature inheritances.

Though Hades thinks it unlikely he would have one. (you may never know)

Draco came into a creature inheritance earlier this year.

Since the twins are around one-two years older they knew he was theres.

which is why they always tease him.

though they are mates.

they both love him bond or not.

Draco was a submissive Velea and the twins were both dominant vampires.

It made more sense now to everyone.

Everyone lately did seem rather drawn into Draco lately. which made the twins growl each of them wrapping their arms around Draco.

Though Hades is super oblivious to the stares he is receiving from the surrounding Dominates. which makes his friends glare at the offenders making them back off for a little while.

Hades turns 15 tonight as it is Halloween.

He is younger than some of his peers.

which makes his friends that much more protective of him.

Hades has never really celebrated as much as his family has.

He honestly does not really care.

Charlie is amused by Hadrian.

"Amused" is not the exact word, more like "Obsessed"

Though he has his brothers glaring at him for looking at Hadrian like he is now.

With "lust' or "longing' maybe that is close to how he is feeling he has not a clue by any means.

He came into his inheritance around the same time of Draco.

He knows that Hadrian is his mate he can feel it.

Though he has some hesitance the bond has not been formed as of yet

They are currently acquaintances at best.

which makes him growl in frustration.

He wants him now!

But he knows it is not long till he claims what is rightfully his.

Later that night...

Hadrian tosses and turns.

he wakes up and checks the time 

12 Pm

it was still late and he wanted to sleep so bad.

He hopped back into his bed before covering up.

he starts sweating and chills climb up his body.

getting a sharp pain in his abdomen he cries out in pain.

"ah," he whimpers out.

Nevile hears this and tries to help before frantically calling the head of Hufflepuff.

the other dorm mates are extremely worried because he is yelling out in pain.

He starts to spasm a bit before passing out from the pain.

Nevile comes back with the head of the house to find Hadrian's appearance changing.

his hair starts to turn midnight black with silver streaks running through his hair.

he shrinks down to 5'5 and gains curves.

the length of his hair did not change much. though it became a bit more curly/wavy.

He sprouts two soft black-haired animal ears.

a tail at his bossom.

it wraps around him comforting him into a deep sleep.

They decide it is best to block the others from trying to claim him while he is unmarked.

it could be extremely dangerous otherwise.

Cause they could try and take advantage of him as he is very much vulnerable.

Short side story: (set during the first year)

Leo (snake familiar) slid out of Hades's robe and started to slide through the classroom. He ended up tripping a few students who were confused when they did not see the obstruction in their path. 

he continued down the lit hallway till he came across a dark hallway.

he found a portrait of the Slytherin founder of Hogwarts.

"Hello there young familiar"

Hisses "helloo lord sslytherin" he says respectfully.

"are you lost" he hisses back in passel tongue.

"Noo... (trailing off) maybe ... Yesss I aamms lossst"

After giving directions to Leo. They both chatted about stuff.

(yes random stuff)

Leo finds Hades.

"where have you been?"

"umm I spoke to lord Slytherin"

Hades gets lost in thought.



Hope enjoyed another chapter of Hadrian potter the Hufflepuff.

What is Hadrian?

will charlie make a move/claim on Hadrian?

Stay tuned to read the next chapter to find out.

Peace out,


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