Part Two

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KENDELL POV: I  sat at the airport bench outside waiting for my uber to come to take me to the house. If I stayed away from her I would have a pretty nice vacation. I stared at my phone, watching the tiny car on my screen come closer to my location. I was pretty nervous to meet my friends, even if we've known each other for what feels like forever. but probably 4 years. The uber was about 5 minutes away. I was really excited to see what the house looked like in person. I only saw some pictures of the living room. I hope I get my own bed, or at least a bed without Riley near me. I watched as the uber pulled up to the sidewalk, I hopped in with all my luggage. 


"Where are you coming down from?" The driver asked.

"Oh, um, I'm from Ohio."

"So it snows up there, right, must be super cold."

"Yeah, I guess, Canada's cold too."

"Is this your first time here."

"Um, yeah it is."

"I like it here."

"That's probably why you live here"

"Why are you coming to Canada"

"To meet some of my friends, we never met so..."

"Thats really unsafe, are you sure your parents are ok with it, you seem like a young girl."

"They know and they're fine with it, thanks for trying to make a decision for me, I'm my own person though."


KENDELL POV: I finally got out of that weird guys car and got to the house, It looked like a few cars were already parked, it probably would've been smarter to rent a car then take a chance to get in a creepy uber, but I'm at the house now, all fine. I hesitate to ring the doorbell, worried about being awkward. I built up the courage, I rang it. A few seconds later, I hear my friends voice. "Whose here???" The voice says. "It's Kendell." The door swings open. Nicole runs back into the kitchen. Instead of going after her I go to claim a bed. I read the tiny pieces of paper on the suitcases to tell whose in the rooms. I end up claiming a room with Deani and Summer. Me and Deani FaceTimed a lot before. Me and Summer have talked a lot before too. It's kinda hard to avoid someone when you've been in a group chat with them for four years, well, accept for Riley, I avoid her often and it doesn't really take much effort. I don't think Riley's arrived yet. I hear the girls making tiktoks downstairs and yelling. I decide to go down. We make tiktoks for about 45 minutes, I don't think anyones uploading them, just saving them into the drafts, which is probably for the best, I just got off a five hour flight so my hair isn't brushed. Among the laughter we hear a knock at the door. It's probably Riley, why didn't she ring the doorbell like a normal person, like I did. Maybe we are just too different. Nicole goes to open the door like she did for me. I see her hug the person, after they separate, I notice a familiar face.

It's Riley.

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