Everything Changes

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"She's right," Suzie rolled her eyes "That lasted nought point two seconds."

"Hmm. She's actually carrying pizza," Owen noted in surprise.

Jack laughed from his office and got up "Come on. She was gonna say here's your pizza and I was going to say, how much? And she says, oh, whatever, twenty quid, and I say, ooh, I don't have any money. I was working on a punchline. I'd have got there but it would have been good."

"I sincerely doubt that," Julian mumbled, earning a snort from Owen and a glare from Jack. She grinned at Jack "Sorry."

"Here's your pizza," the policewoman pointed out "I think I'd better go."

Jack straightened up, his eyes narrowing on her. Did she really assume she would just walk out of here? "I think we've gone past that stage."

"You must've been freezing out there," Suzie told the other woman with an amused grin "How long were you walking around? Three hours?"

The PC gaped at them "You could see me?"

"And before we go any further, who the hell orders pizza under the name of Torchwood?" Jack spoke up, raising his eyebrow at Owen in particular.

Owen raised his hand sheepishly "Er yeah, that'd be me. I'm sorry. I'm a twat."

"Wow," Julian gasped teasingly "That only took you what? Several years to admit. I'm so proud of you, Owen."

"Shut up," he grumbled, hitting Julian's arm playfully.

The woman took a step forward, her eyes focussed on Jack and Jack alone "That man at the hospital, that porter, what happened to him? That was real, wasn't it? He was attacked."

"He's dead," Julian chimed in, drawing her attention to herself.

"But there's no one gone missing," she pointed out in confusion.

Tosh was the one who took over the explanation "We took the body, retrospectively changed the work rota, planted a false witness who saw him leaving the hospital, giving him an alibi for the next forty-eight hours, so when his body's pulled out of the docks next Tuesday night, he's only been missing for three days."

"He was murdered," the policewoman clarified.

"Yes," Tosh nodded.

"And you covered it up?"

Tosh shrugged "That's my job."

"And the other man, John Tucker?" the PC frowned at Jack "Last night in the alleyway, I saw you."

Jack raised his eyebrows in amusement, pushing off the doorframe "And what did you see?"

"You revived him," she said.

"No. What did you see?" Jack asked more firmly.

"You resuscitated him," the woman tried again.

Julian rolled her eyes and made her way over to where Owen and Tosh were inspecting the pizza, stealing a piece. She shrugged at her brother before joining Ianto in the small kitchen "So, what do you think of Ms WPC?"

"She seems... determined," Ianto said, causing Julian to snort out a laugh.

"That's one way of putting it," she agreed "Not sure I like her... She seems pushy. Plus, I don't really like the fact that Jack let a civilian in here."

Ianto shot her a look "Should you really judge her? I mean, you know Jack. He isn't big on the whole military thing that Torchwood One and UNIT have going on."

Julian ran her hand through her hair with a sigh "I know. But I still don't like it. Even with Retcon, he shouldn't go around telling people just because he feels like it. This life, it's not for everyone."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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