Adam hummed slightly,  "Is that a yes?" Belle questioned knowing that they had hockey in the afternoon.

The boy smiled "I'll be there, I promise."

The girl grinned excitedly, throwing her arms around him in a hug "I'll make sure it's the best time I've ever done it" she spoke softly.

Adam laughed as he pulled away patting the girls head "Remember Belly, Banks are winners, we aren't made to be second best" he spoke.

"I know" the girl spoke softly letting out a sad sigh as she looked away from her older brother, sometimes he was way too similar to their father.

The girl's brother nodded, content with her answer. He quickly told Belle that they'd be going skating with Alex and Dave instead of going right home; the girl informed him she'd rather walk barefoot on lego than see Dave.

She told him she'd wait for him at Mickey's; a local diner in Minneapolis.

The girl had been sitting for a while, ordering a salad and mango smoothie whilst she waited, her father had her on a strict diet, she already knew if he found out about the popsicle he would be angry, she knew Adam wouldn't tell though.

Charlie Conway entered the diner, freezing as he noticed the girl sitting there alone, he quickly decided to man up as he walked closer.

"Hi Belle; can I sit here?" His voice questioned quietly making the girl look up quickly.

"It's Annabelle" she grumbled ", but I guess" she stated softly watching as the boy scrambled in beside her.

It was awkward, to say the least, the silence was deafening, both children refusing to acknowledge each other.

Charlie sighed as he thought of a way to start the conversation "I saw you with Guy last week. I'm sorry about what Connie did" the boy apologised.

Belle shrugged stirring her smoothie, continuing to ignore the boy as he frowned slightly.

"So; you like to dance?" Charlie spoke awkwardly "I just remember from last week I don't stalk you or anything" he rushed out slightly embarrassed as the girl shot him a look before looking away.

It was silent for a while; the boy placed his hands in his pocket, standing to leave.

"I like to dance" Belle confirmed softly; a small smile gracing her pristine features, making Charlie smile in victory as he sat again. "Can you keep a secret?" She whispered, making Charlie nod.

"Guys my best friend" Belle admitted softly, she had to tell someone, Charlie's jaw dropped "he has been for 5 years; we just can't tell anyone because of how different we are which sucks" she whispered sadly.

Charlie felt guilty at the fact both Guy and Belle felt like they had to hide their friendship, he quickly promised he wouldn't tell. Belle didn't know why she trusted the boy, she just did.

"So you compete in dance, right? Your family must be proud" The boy spoke enjoying the fact the girl was speaking to him.

Belle let out a laugh making the boy raise an eyebrow questioningly.

"They've never come to watch me, they've got more important things to worry about" she shrugged "Only Guy comes, but it's okay" she whispered; for the first time in a while, the girl felt tears brimming, she quickly blinked them away. Banks' showed no weakness.

Charlie nodded understandingly "What about your brother?" he asked, the two siblings seemed to be pretty close, Belle simply shook her head "Dad doesn't want him to, he has to focus on hockey only" that was the one that hurt her most. The girl couldn't care less if her parents showed up, she only wanted her brother there.

Illicit Love | Charlie ConwayWhere stories live. Discover now