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It was crowded. It was cold. It was full to the brim with Vikings and Dragonbloods. It was home.


        Well, New Berk.

        Years after Grimmel and his hunters had been defeated, the Berkians were still there on this cold isle. They were stubborn, obviously, but there was more to it than that.  This was their home, their island, and they would defend it with as much aggression and tact as a snake. They would fight with their teeth and nails if they had to. They had reminisced back to the way they had been before they had befriended the dragons.

        With just a tiny difference.

        There were still some dragons around.

        Granted, there weren't many, but they were still there, and there always would be. Dragons were stubborn creatures, too, so they and the Vikings got on very well indeed. And not to mention that some of them were Dragonbloods, so even if the full dragons did leave they would never truly be gone from the Viking’s midst.

        Occasionally these dragon-human hybrids would fly to the Hidden World, the massive caverns that the dragons had escaped to when they had been threatened by hunters. None of the humans had been allowed in there yet; some of the wilder dragons were still prone to attacking them. That was the reason the Dragonbloods went, to accustom those who were afraid of or had an aversion to human contact...


It was on a day near to Snoggletog, the Viking’s time of kindness and gift giving, that Terror mail came. Or rather, Terror Voicemail. A small purple Terrible Terror, known as Paradox, flew into the chief as he was sorting out a dispute over a yak. It was just a trivial "Whose yak was whose" argument, so he was glad of the distraction. Little Paradox perched on the chief's shoulder and began squawking into his ear, and even though Hiccup was in human form, he couldn't understand a word of it. He quickly settled the yak-ument and Shifted to hybrid, telling the panting Terror to slow down and repeat the message.

        The small dragon's news was to all the Vikings. “Get ready! Pack your things! We fly soon”, was the simple message. Hiccup let the Terror fly off to find food before spreading the message far and wide across the isle.

        By sundown people had packed their stuff, which consisted mostly of axes, sheep and children. They were ready for something to happen. Some had their weapons drawn, others were waiting patiently. The mood floating in the air was tense.

        Hiccup, after explaining several times he didn't know what was going on, perched on top of a tree and gazed out into the setting sun. Not the wisest of moves, he realised later when he found he couldn't see much past the afterimage. Everything was a mystery right now, though he had an idea what might happen. He was part dragon, after all, he knew how the flying reptiles thought.

        Soon enough, just as the sun was sinking below the horizon, tiny shapes appeared in the orange light. The few dragons left on Berk squawked and hummed and warbled a joyous greeting, and humans followed on with cheering soon after. Dragons of different species and colours flew rapidly closer, then swooped down when the reached land and replied with their own greeting

        So many Vikings, so many dragons. It was chaos for a while as everyone said hi to everyone. Eventually it calmed down enough for Hiccup to ask a Hobblegrunt what was going on, but the dragon just smiled and told him to get everyone on the dragons. Hiccup frowned at that, but did as he was told. A few scuffles and shouts and thuds later, every Viking was on a dragon and every dragon was in the dark sky. Cries of joy filled the air and it made Hiccup smile.

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