chapter three - zayn's date

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(a/n: oooh it's about to spice up real quick. things are bound to happen in this chapter, get ready folks!)

diana's pov:

our waiter returned once again, but this time with a bottle of crimson wine. he opened the bottle and poured a generous amount in both of our glasses. 

"are you ready to order?" he pulled out his notepad, his pen poised over the pages.

zayn nodded, saying something about spaghetti. i plastered a smile on my face, even though (as i previously mentioned) i sort of hate spaghetti. 

"well," zayn said, holding his wine glass up for a toast when the waiter left. "cheers!"

"cheers." i beamed, clinking my glass against his. so charming, my gosh. 

we talked for a bit, sipping our wine. mostly about how things were going with the boys, their management, how things were going in the band. 

zayn did most of the talking, which was quite unusual. i mean, i wasn't a chatterbox, but i always had something on my mind.

"so, how was-"  

"two spaghettis!" anthony called, placed our meals in front of us. "and enjoy."

"thank you," i said, picking up my fork. 

i swirled the spaghetti, taking a taste. hm, not bad.

"so..?" zayn looked up at me, slurping his spaghetti.

"delicious," i grinned. i put down my fork to take a sip of wine.

zayn swooped over and grabbed my fork, taking some pasta from my plate and started feeding me like a toddler. i giggled. 

"you have a spot of sauce there." he said, raising his eyebrows. he grabbed a napkin, and dabbed at the corner of my mouth. 

my smile was so wide my face hurt.

zayn's pov:

this was going great.

great food, great place, and even better company.

diana seemed a bit quiet at first, but then loosened up after we received our meals. i was a smiling mess, so relieved that this was turning out amazing. 

i looked diana in the eye, admiring her features, mesmerized.

her face turned a deep shade of scarlet, and focused on her plate of food. 

"hey! what are you doing you little-"

i looked up, startled, to see a man (a few years older than me) glaring at us.

actually, at me.

"who are you?" i asked, clearly confused.

"my ex." a whisper came from across the table. i looked over to diana, who looked so small. her lip quivered, looking from the man to me.

"who are YOU?" he shot back, looking at me as if i had devil horns. sheesh, mate, i don't even know you.

"zayn," i scoffed. "now look mate, she's over you. we're trying to enjoy our night out, so please leave us be." 

his eyes widened, looking even angrier than before. then before i knew it, he grabbed my glass of water and poured it on my head! 

"what the heck was THAT for?!" my face was burning, and i could just imagine smoke coming out of my ears like in those cartoons.

he didn't respond, and instead snatched my plate of spaghetti and dumped that on my head also. noodles mixed with my black locks, and dripped down my suit.

diana was clearly upset. "matt, i-"

"there," matt spat. "see how pathetic that man is? come on diana, let's get out of here." 

oh my gosh. was she really going to leave me for that idiot? she looked back and forth between us, frightened. like were going to bite her head off (well, maybe matt).

"n-no," a louder voice came out of diana. "i'm staying here with zayn, because he knows how to be a proper man and doesn't go around pouring spaghetti on innocent people." she flashed me a tiny smile. 

matt's mouth hung open. "you- i- wha-?"

"i SAID, get lost. or do i have to call the manager?"

he grunted, taking the hint, and scurried off.

"zayn, i-" she tried to speak. 

i shook my head, miserable. i managed a weak smile, burying my head in my hands.

she picked up my blazer that i took off earlier, and draped it around my shoulders to comfort me. 

"come on, let's go for ice cream," she said softly. 

and with that, we walked out of the restaurant (after i placed a large wad of cash on the table), hand in hand.

also, to confirm, now i hate spaghetti.

(a/n: take THAT, matt. how dare you pour food on our precious zayn!)







i hope you all are having a marvellous day. :)

please, please, please comment! i really want to know if you're enjoying. :>

- kalina x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2021 ⏰

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