Chapter 5

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Violet lily:what happend why are i a child and why have i a brown dress oh no

Mom:grrr ypu Stupid child -_- you are so later

Dad:yeah make your work

He had violet lily hurt

Violet lily:out but...but i have you me alone leave -_- why his you her where is my uncle peter and uncle archer

Mom:i have Always no idea i have no siblings your father too so make now

Violet lily:no -_-

Violet lily run

Dad:leave she honey the monster can she like eat

Violet lily run Always but the partycrashers is here

Violet lily:that is bash and pow BASH POW PARTYCRASHERS

Pow:huh babe she know us name

Bash:i make...hey little why are you alone here oustide

Pow:yeah where is your family

Violet lily:bash pow i am violet lily you friends had you me forogtor or is that a funny :(

Bash:ähm is no funny little who is your family

Violet lily:my family had me the have me hurt look

Pow:huh i see nohting

Violet lily:what....but

Pow:we have to go babe come


Violet lily:witht...what happend

Violet lily run always and go to oc fandom friends

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