(Background music!:))
Noona's P.O.V. (Flashback)
I was born in 1945 November 15th, in Busan. When I was about 10 years old, my parents took me to go and see grandma and grandpa, who lived in Ganseo District. We reached them in an hour and I was showered with blessings and hugs and kisses, and I loved it. My grandma was making bulgogi and kimchi with sticky rice, one of my fav-simple combos. When lunch was served, we all dug in and savored the yummy taste of it. We all were so happy, giggling and joking around. My mom told me to close my eyes and said that she had a gift, so I listened and closed my eyes. But suddenly I heard gunshots and glasses shattering, and before I could open my eyes, somebody put a bag on my head preventing me from seeing my surroundings. In an hour, the people finally removed the blocker and then I could see that I was in a steel surrounded room. Grey everywhere. Suddenly some scar-faced guy just popped out of nowhere and scared me, but he had a phone and a video was in it. The colors looked familiar. That's when I had experienced my worst nightmare. It was the CCTV footage of the family room of grandma and grandpa's. Why is it covered in blood?! Why are mom and dad l-l-lying on the floor?? Grandpa? Grandma? Tears had already begun to stream down my face as I screamed and struggled to get out of the tight ropes that were tearing my skin, slightly.
Weird guy 1: hey did u find and kill the fucking bastards who took money from us and didn't give them back?!
Scary ass guy: yes sir! And we even found a little surprise for the boss! And then maybe he will let us use it too for our....
Creepy asshole: satisfaction eh?
Bald-ass shithead: I can't wait! To use it!
Weird guy 2: hey guys! The boss is coming! Positions!
Every asshole in here: *stands in attention when some creepy boss guy comes down the stairs
Creepy boss guy: so! What good news have you brought for me?!
Weird guy 3: sir! We killed the family and even brought back a 'souvenir' for you!
Creepy boss guy: *weird chuckle oooh, let me take a look- ah! A lovely and pretty toy! How considerate of you boys. Now listen and just get lost from here. Let me play with this toy for sometime.
And then what? I got my virginity stolen at a young age and by a fucking disgusting man. And the other weird creeps. They left me at some random church side, and when one of the priests there took me in and heard my story, he adopted me and the nuns there too have been the kindest to me and they all pray for me. At that time I didn't know what all we should be praying in prayers, so I just asked God for one thing. A power to help me kill all the bad people on the world. I even described how it would be like to have that power.
Noona: And that's how I got my powers. Now time for hearing the story of how I know you. Shall we proceed?
Y/N: okie!
Noona: so basically, it was the 4th of July. While America's independence was being celebrated in America, your birthday was being celebrated in Korea on the same day!
Y/N: YES! I already love you Noona! :)
Noona: *flustered chuckle so, on that day you were going to turn 4. But you won't be able to remember who your parents are or how do they look at this little age.
Y/N: yup, but I do remember because they live with me.
Noona: that's what you think little boy. You see, after I had gotten my powers, I set out on a journey and make it my mission to protect the people from bad people. But sadly, I can only do it here in Korea because the origin of my power is in Korea.
Y/N: true...
Noona: so on the same day as you were turning four, I went to kill a bad gangster and I had seen his face through this orb. But coincidentally I ran into your family and the gangster. And since I was at the end of the road crossing and you and your parent and that gangster were waiting in the traffic for the signal to turn green. I have night blindness so my vision was not a hundred percent correct, but I still didn't want to lose my only moment to kill him. So I shot my magical arrow at him. Well, that's what I thought.
Y/N: you "thought"?? Oh no! What happened then?
Noona: I had accidentally shot it at your car. And your car exploded in the midst of the traffic. But since it was a magical arrow that contained magic, it had only bombed the object it hit and not the surroundings.
Y/N: *glistening eyes n-n-no...that- then how am I alive?! y-you must be making up this story! I don't know how the- sorry for my fit I just threw. You can continue. Noona...
Noona: it's okay child. I too know, that the painful truth hurts and not the fake lie. I was actually astounded to find you alive. After my mistake, I just left and found this abandoned house here, and I decided to take a temporary vacation off my 'mission'.
Y/N: But it turned out that the vacation lasted 12 years long, right?
Noona: not exactly 12 years. Just a year or two, and I got back on my feet again, ready to save the nation.
Y/N: but when I was 4 you- never mind. But then, what were you doing all this time in here?
Noona: I figured out a way to kill bad people and keep the innocent ones safe and guarantee-able. I could drag or teleport that napeun person in this shed behind the house and slaughter the person.
Y/N: cool!
Noona: let me continue explaining your part. In the car. So after that explosion took place, many people surrounded your car and called the ambulance. You were only injured with scratches here and there. I was surprised! But then from far away, I saw a couple get in the car and take you.
Y/N: t-take me? Why?
Noona: I can only explain it to you by showing it to you. Look it in this orb. *keeps the orb in front of Y/N
Y/N: *looks closely in the orb
Orb: *a scene starts playing
Man: *takes unconscious Y/N away from the car with anyone seeing
His wife: what are you doing honey?
Man: I am going to take this child.
His wife: but why?
Man: because he is so beautiful and his beauty would not be properly used when he returns to his family.
His wife: isn't it illegal?? Like kidnapping...
Man: *whisper-shouts shut up! We are taking him home and that's final! Besides, the doctor said that you can not produce babies, so this is our only opportunity to be parents!
His wife: but doctors could be wrong too, like in that movie when-
Man: you watch too many movies! *puts Y/N in their BMW and drive off to their mansion
Orb: *finishes scene video
Noona: and after that, they became your 'parents'. But then a few months later, they gave birth to a baby girl. They both were utterly happy. But he tried to harass you when he was drunk and alone only with you.
Y/N: t-that explains these marks on my arms. Marks of forcefulness.
Door: *gets knocked by someone
Noona: that's weird. I certainly don't have any visitors and you are the first. In don't count the bastards as visitors. Anyways let me just check who is it. *goes towards the door and opens it
Police officer: hello ma'am. I have received a complaint against you by a boy named Y/N- huh? What are you doing here kid?
Y/N: w-what?? I didn't even move a cell from here!
Noona: yes, this boy is my grandson and he just came here to listen to my tales he liked.
Police officer: well I'm sorry to interrupt your grandson-grandma moment but I will have to arrest you because I found a number of corpses in the shed behind.
Y/N: huh? No- can you prove it that they were killed by her??
Police officer: yes, after the forensics team come and check the fingerprints.
Y/N: but my grandma doesn't even know that there was a shed here!
Noona: *chuckles yes I didn't know...
Police officer: sorry, your excuses won't work. *takes cuffs out sorry but you will be called for interrogation.
Y/N: *whispers to Noona kill him. Or hypnotize him!
Noona: *whispers back I'll hypnotize him. He is a young innocent fellow.
Y/N: *whispers back true. Okie hypnotize him!
Noona: little boy, first come here. I will want to show you something.
Police officer: what is it grandma?
Noona: just look at my hand, u can see a blue galaxy kinda painting right?
Police officer: ye- *gets teleported back to police station and memory gets wiped out *continues paperwork in station
Y/N: wow Noona! That was awesome! But how did 'I' go in the station? I was here in front of you.
Noona: it must be the work of Barbus.
Y/N: Barbus? Who is he?
Noona: that creepy boss guy.
Y/N: he?! He died??
Noona: yes, turns out he died in a car crash.
Y/N: serves him right but why- *gets choked by an invisible force AHH! NOONA! HELP ME!
Noona: *ties Barbus with her magical fire cuffs and he appears back to his form are you okay Y/N-ie?! *moves towards the tied Barbus and slaps him hard him in the face
Y/N: woah! Noona you still got some kick in ya!
Barbus: who is this?!
Y/N: her "grandson". I actually just discovered her and turns out we were supposed to meet.
Noona: *turns to Y/N and did you know that he is now my husband in the underworld- can u believe that?!
Y/N: lol! I feel so bad for you Noona! *giggles cutely
Barbus: well he sure is cute. But darling-
Noona: don't you dare darling me bastard who stole my virginity forcefully!
Y/N: so basically the rule in your underworld is that the first person who steals your virginity is your husband/wife in the underworld? *bursts laughing
Noona: ha ha ha, very funny. And another rule is that, we can be reincarnated whenever we want to. Me too, because I told the church to use my body as a sacrifice for the god and so my sound has the powers.
Y/N: cool! *clock beeps oh shoot! My archeological 'expedition' just finished! Thank gosh I put an alarm! Well bye Noona! LY! :)
Noona: bye sweetheart! Stay safe!
Y/N's P.O.V.
WOW! That was the best experience ever! But for some reason, I wanted to keep it a secret otherwise it might accidentally get spread and then she might have to stop saving people for good! I happily and cutely skip towards the center of the sand area and see that everyone has already arrived there. I smile at everyone and get in the line next to my friends. I think it wouldn't hurt to make more friends! I tell my friends the plan and they seem to love it! So when we get in the bus, everyone gets seated and then I stand up in the bus and shout.
Y/N: who wants to be my friend!?
Teacher: *smiles Y/N dear pls sit down. And guys, you can answer Y/N's request.
All the students in the bus: I do! I do! I do!
Y/N: this is fun! Okay, so how do we start our new friendship!
Friend 1: sing songs!
Friend 2: study! JK!
Everybody: XD!
Teachers: may we pls join too??
Y/N: of course! *plays music 'kar gayi chull' I have an idea! Let's dance in our seats!
Everybody: woohoo! Y/N u made our day even more exciting!
Y/N: thanks everyone! Let's PaRtAy!
We all dance so pumped up and happily that I feel like the proudest person on the Earth! XD! We all partied even with the driver while at the intersection and the people around us heard us too. I did the most craziest thing! I called out everyone from their cars and together we all partied! On the road! The people who seemed stressed about going to work seemed to relax a lot. I was having the time of my life! I even magicked a few drinks for the adults and kids. Few people even removed their jackets, signifying how crazy I made them! While dancing with my new friends and teachers and the adults, I feel my phone vibrate and get inside the quiet bus to speak to the person who called. It was Johnny hyung.
Johnny: hey baby! How are you?
Y/N: I'm fine hyung! I am having the best time of my life! With new friends!
Johnny: that's great baby! By the way, when are you coming?
Y/N: soon. Maybe a long tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime. Why anything happened?
Johnny: nope. The fact that it is literally 6pm right now, it's nothing.
Y/N: the fuck?! It's 6pm! I am so so so so so so soooooooo sorry! I am bringing everyone back! *gets out of bus and stops the music *screams off-phone GUYS! WE HAVE TO GO HOME! LOOK AT THE TIME! WE ARE ALL DOOMED! XD!
Friend: WOOHOO!
Bunch of adults: WE CAN JUST TAKE THE DAY OFF!
Johnny: hello? Helloooo? Y/N?! *chuckles Baby? Are you there?
Y/N: *gets everyone back and all set to their home destinations yes hyungie. I'm here! I'm coming home now so you can quit worrying XD! U r so kind and cuuuute!
Johnny: okie baby! LY! Byeeee!
Y/N: bye- oi! No bye-bye! Only see-soon! *giggles cutely
Johnny: *off the phone tells Lucas something
Y/N: Hyungie, what are you telling someb-
Lucas: omg! Johnny hyung just got a heart attack!
Y/N: *actually worried w-what! What happened? Johnny hyung!-
Johnny: because of your cuteness you cutie pie.
Y/N: *blushes madly h-hyung! You scared the shit outta me you know! *cuts the call
Johnny: h-hello? Baby? He cut the call. Lol, he must have gotten that frustrated! *high fives Lucas
Lucas: *high fives Johnny
In an hour, I reached home but for some reason I had a throbbing headache. Not a major one, just a minor one. Rubbing my temple softly, I get off the bus and say bye to my new friends as I walk away from the bus stop. Smiling, I skip cutely when I come closer to the doorstep and knock on the door. The minute Hendery hyung opened the door, I jumped onto him and hugged him like a koala.
Hendery: hey baby! U missed me that much? *walking to the sofa while carrying Y/N
Y/N: not only you! The other hyungs too! :) *only kisses the other hyungs
Johnny: so! What did you do-
Y/N: I gotta go refresh cuz the coRoNa particles might be on my clothes! That's why I didn't hug. Uh oh, Hendery hyung. I literally jumped on you XD! Go take a shower!
Hendery: Omo! I was just about to take a bath and then you rang the bell. Phew! Otherwise I would have been taking bath twice! XD!
I giggle at hyung's cute demeanor and go upstairs to my room to refresh. I enter my room and dust my bags and jacket, before throwing them on the ground lazily. I take off my clothes and boxers, and dump them in the washing bin. Walking towards the bathtub, I fill it with hot water and fill it with bubbles, then submerge half of my body in the water, relaxing in the dark black room.
Hendery's P.O.V.
Y/N must be taking bath right now and he must have already undressed and gone in the tub. What if I...join him? I can conserve water! XD. It will be fun. So I head up to my room to get my night clothes, and stealthily tip-toe towards Y/N's room. I could here the quiet sounds of the ripples of the water, and that proved that he was in there, the dark bathroom. I lock the bedroom door, undress myself and walk softly and slowly in the bathroom. I could see his dark blonde glow-in-the-dark hair. When did he color his hair? Again? Who cares. I evilly and slowly, slip into the tub beside him and teasingly, rub his thighs under the water, making him startled.
Y/N: *gets startled AISH- hyung! You scared me!
Hendery: lol, that's what I was planning to do!
Y/N: hahahaha, very funny. XD. By the way, what are you doing here? Rubbing my inner thighs? Teasingly?
Hendery: I just wanted to conserve water :D.
Y/N: srsl- lol hyung, you can straightforwardly just say, that you wanted to 'have fun'. Kekekekek....
Hendery: so cute, come here baby.
I took his face in one of my hands and attached my lips to his, and kissed him slowly and slightly sloppily. He snaked one of his hand around my neck whilst deepening the kiss by using his tongue. He sat right on my dick without breaking the contact of our lips, and started grinding, hardly. Without knowing, I let out a small mewl and immediately opened my eyes to see his reaction and to my surprise he was absorbed in the kiss. We pulled back breathlessly, and smiled when we made eye contact. He is just too precious and that eye-smile. Adorable! He changed his expression to a sexy smirk and slowly slipped his hands on my inner thighs making me moan softly. He rubbed my crotch against his soft hand and made me whimper while he enjoyed watching every bit of me. Slowly and lovingly, he placed his lips on my neck, sucking harshly and pleasingly as to my desire. While one of his hands was busy giving me a soothing hand-job, his other hand woke up and pinched and teased my nippples, giving me goosebumps. I just softly laid my head back on the marble counter near the tub and my tongue out, saliva dripping slowly, out of pleasure. He stopped all his hands and his mouth and looked at me sexily and srsly, but I found that cute... Stand. That's what he said. Stand. Willingly, I stood up, and he just splashed me with water to clean the bubbles on my body. Maybe he just wanted to see my body. Cute. Right after he cleaned the bubbles off of me, gave my dick a kitten lick, turning me on. I slowly reached my hand down and grabbed his hair softly, while he knelt like he was my slave. Suck. That's what I said, and he immediately obeyed, putting me in his hot and wet cavern, sucking on it like it's the yummiest popsicle ever. I chuckled and then suddenly deep-throated him, making him almost choke on it. Out of fear of gagging, he gripped the skin on my thighs with his fingers softly but quickly. A small water drop escaped from his beautiful eyelids. Whilst petting his soft, silky and wet hair as a praise, I use my other hand and wipe away the slow tear that was going across his cheek. At the sudden soft touch, his sucking subsided as he looked up, looking like a cute kid pouting. I chuckle at his sudden innocence and abruptly cum into his mouth while he drank all the sweet cum and moaned gleefully while I felt myself get the satisfaction he wanted to make me feel. We both washed up ourselves and got out of the tub in separate towels. We both dressed up while getting tickled and chugged by each other. XD. We both jammed to 'ATEEZ X BTS-HALA HALA X UGH! Ft.NCT127' (Link: https://soundcloud.app.goo.gl/jJneM5MHKLfuDPft5) and I loved the time we both spend even tho it was little. Giggling while I gave him a piggy-back ride, we both came down the stairs. The others looked at our wet hair and put teasingly-questioning looks on their faces. We all laughed and then sat down to have dinner, sushi and side dishes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2022 ⏰

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