I open the door and peak out to see a gleaming Stephanie who starts clapping and smiles with her mouth wide open.

"Perfect!" she yells as she pushes past me into my apartment, "I love the place by the way."

"What the hell Stephanie?" I question her with half-open eyes and flailing arms, "you weren't supposed to be here for another thirty minutes."

"I came early so I can help you pick out an outfit!" she clasps her hands and says it as if it was an obvious statement.

I take a closer look at Stephanie notice her scandalous and revealing outfit. She is wearing stiletto black pumps that are at least a million inches high and a black mini-skirt that barely covers her butt. She's also wearing a black laced crop top that only covers the bottom of her boobs exposing a large amount of cleavage. She's wearing winged eyeliner with wings that are at least two inches long and bright, red lipstick. Her long black hair rests on her shoulders along with a pair of gigantic gold hoop earrings.

"Do most girls wear stuff like that to parties?" I say while standing against the wall to my bedroom.

"What do you mean Emily?" she says while quickly scrolling through my closet without looking at me.

"Well you are showing a lot of skin. And how do you even walk in those heels?"

"Practice, girl, practice. And dressing like this is the only way to get cute boys to notice you." she says and turns around to look at me.

I cock my head to the side and look at her in confusion, "I think you might be a bit delusional Stephanie."

"Whatever Emily. You don't have any good clothes in here!" she yells while tearing through my closet, "Don't you have a tight dress with the top cut low?! You dress like a grandma! "

"I dress like a normal person."

"I may have to take you back to my dorm for you to wear something of mine. What were going to wear anyways!?"

"I don't know, skinny jeans and a t-shirt?" I respond resulting in a wide-eyed and jaw-dropped Stephanie.

"Emily! Are you insane!?" she gasps.

"No I think you're insane. I'll be right back, I have to pee." I respond and roll my eyes as I leave my bedroom.

I return from the bathroom to the sight of scissors on denim.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell and ran over to her standing next to my bed.

"I'm doing what should have been done a long time ago!"

She makes one final cut before I can tear the scissors away from her hands.

I look at the bed and I see a pair of blue skinny jeans had been cut into incredibly short shorts and a white t-shirt had been cut into a crop top.

"I'm not wearing that."

"Oh yes you are." Stephanie retorts, "and here are your shoes. These were supposed to be for when my feet started to hurt in these heels, but you need them more than me."

She leaned down then raised a monstrous pair of Cleopatra sandals with straps that go up almost all the way to the knee.

"You're funny," I say while staring at the tall shoes.

"Now go put everything on."

"No way."

"Go now! We only have fifteen minutes!" she gets in my face and yells at me as she points at my bathroom, "and we still have to do your makeup!"

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