29 /| errand girl

Start from the beginning

She elbowed the man's face, successfully rendering him unconscious. A bullet grazed the side of her arm and she hissed in pain. Blood streamed down her arm and onto her black dress.

She threw a knife into the culprit's shoulder, sending him tumbling over. That left George, who'd emptied his gun already, scrambling to reload the weapon.

Geneva sauntered over to him, knocking the gun across the room and toward the pile of other discarded weapons. She pulled her last knife from beneath her dress.

She pressed it to his neck, patience running thin. People would find them soon, and she was bleeding everywhere, and it was starting to burn. "Where is Crossbones going, George?"

"They'll kill me."

Geneva rolled her eyes, baring her teeth. "You're telling that to the woman holding a knife to your neck. Where is he going?"

George's eyes darted behind her head, and without looking, she hurled the knife behind her. She heard the thump of body, and the man's green eyes widened. "Lagos, Nigeria. He'll be in Nigeria in two days."

She patted his face in satisfaction. "When you wake up and Des is having a fit over his missing money, tell him it wasn't me," she said sweetly. It was the truth really. It was the government and they had quite a different agenda than hers. Geneva threw a punch into his temple, and he fell with a loud thump.

She pulled her comms from the bodice of her dress, placing the tiny thing in her ear. She went to collect her knives. "Nat?"

The red head's voice crackled over the communications. "You finished?"

"Yeah," Geneva let out, walking to the back door of the room. She pressed a hand to her injured arm.

"Great, I'll see you in a few."


Geneva gingerly ate the takeout as Steve took another glance at her arm. The white gauze was puffy against her arm. "It's just a graze," she reminded him.

"I know," he said, taking a seat in his office chair. His voice was strained. Natasha sat on the edge of his desk and she sat in the chair she'd pushed forward. "Lagos, Nigeria. We'll be leaving tomorrow."

Sam entered then. "Who's on the ground?"

"Natasha, Geneva, Wanda," Steve stated. It wasn't a question that Sam would be there too, just in the air.

"And Olten? Vision?" Natasha asked.

"It has to be covert, and if we have too many people in the field—"

"We could blow our chances at catching Rumlow," Geneva finished, placing her food onto his desk.

Steve nodded, watching her movements. "Right. It's been six months, we can't let him slip away again."

"What happened tonight, with that auction, it'll probably be on the front page of every newspaper," Sam began, leaning on the doorway. "He might not show if he knows we're there waiting for him."

"Or maybe he'll be even more eager to show if he knows," Geneva suggested. "Some people like a good chase."

Natasha hummed. "That's very wishful thinking." Geneva shrugged, maybe it was, but some people were also very predictable.

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