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Daisy Age: 19

I found myself getting increasingly anxious as I watched the greenery of the Berkshire Landscape soar past the window. I am currently in the backseat of my Uber that I had to take in order to reach the academy. I must admit I was shocked to find out how far the academy actually was from the airport. We had been on the road for quite awhile and although the car ride was spent gazing out onto the landscape it did nothing to calm my erratic heartbeat.

I was nervous and honestly had every right to be. I still remember when I clutched onto the envelope that decided my fate for the school of my dreams. It's wax seal had a small daisy trapped underneath the green wax. I waited all night to open the envelope so my mother could be there for the big reveal. When she had gotten home I hadn't even waited for her to take her shoes off before I delicately ripped the seal. When I realized I had gotten in as well as the full ride scholarship I honestly thought Id pass out. I currently look down at my purse and see the envelope nestled in between a book and my phone. I quickly decide to take it out and glance at its elegance one more time. I hold it out in front of me as I run my fingers across the smooth texture of the broken wax seal. This causes me to stare at my mysterious tattoo that is positioned on the inside of my right wrist. A small number 5.

I have no idea when or where I got it but I know it must have been before I was 7. Although I remember next to nothing about my time before I was found. Yes, I was quite literally found wondering the streets of Breckinridge, CO. I had no memory at the time and was immediately placed into CPS. They never were able to figure out who I was before I lost my memory. All I knew when I was found was that my name was Daisy. The only way they figured that one out was because I couldn't stop mumbling it. Also they found my tattoo on my wrist. Although the number 5 wouldn't have been as good of a name as Daisy.

I was placed with a few different foster parents before I finally found my way to my adoptive mother, Evie Collins. Each home I was sent to either decided I was too much work, since at the time I was basically non verbal, or they weren't fit to have kids anyway. After years of being passed around like I was a damn hot potato I found Ms. Collins. I remember the struggles we had in the beginning as I was coaxed from my dazed state. She actually put in the effort and made sure I didn't fall behind. As I started to grow up I would have these vivid dreams. They always seem so surreal and eventually I realized it's because they were of my time before. The time of my life I barely remember.

The one thing that I could recall were four boys. Each had a similar tattoo as me on their wrist ranging from 1-4. Each with striking features and piercing eyes. Their eyes are what I remember most about them. Although recently through some therapy sessions I was able to remember their names it wasn't much to go by. I remember frantically convincing myself if I simply searched for first names on Instagram or Facebook I would find some semblance of success. Although, these boys from my memories were most likely around 6-8 at the time so seeing them as young adults wouldn't be much help.

Shaking my thoughts of the boys I glance out the window to see us approach a beautiful feat of architecture. The school itself is comprised of three buildings. Two were the dormitories and the other one that stood in the middle was the main academy.

I instantly remembered the first time I found out about Atkinson Academy. I was mesmerized by the impressive buildings and gorgeous landscape that surrounded the school. I found a flier that someone had left in our mailbox and I instantly fell in love. Now don't get my wrong my main motivation for attending the academy is to continue my music career as a pianist. However, I would be lying if I said the aesthetic of the place didn't lure me in and seal the deal. I hadn't even looked at any other options post graduation. I worked my ass off throughout high school to be able to get into this place.

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