The New Parents

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Dianna was so in love with her only daughter and she wanted to be the best mother as she could for Beth. She decided to keep Beth for at least two first year of Beth's life, so she could breastfeeding Beth because according to Dianna, as she researched it on the internet, it was the best food for newborn babies, and Dianna could easily afford it. Mark, and Joanne; Quinn's mom, agreed to Dianna's decision, they were happy because they also loved that cute little princess so very much.

Mark, being the best parent that he could, he started to find jobs over jobs, he would do anything he could to make any money for his baby girl, and for the mother, two beautiful girls whom he loved the most. Mark also began to look for the best future parents for his daughter. He knew a lovingly married couple, they were his older brother's friends. They had been married for three years and didn't have any baby yet, they were desperately always trying to have a baby. Mark knew how much they wanted a child, also he knew for sure that they would be the best future parents for Beth. He only got a problem. They now live so far away from Ohio. They live in another country called Indonesia. Hendy, the husband, was Mark's older brother's best friend back then at college. Hendy was a Chinese-Indonesian who went to Brooklyn for college. Mark's brother and he were in the same classes that year and they had been really close since then. The wife, Priscilla, was also a Chinese-Indonesian, with a bit European blood from her dad, also went to the same university as Hendy, they were also best friend before Hendy asked her out and they ended up getting married, that was why the two decided to go back to their country, so their wedding could be attended by all of their family. Puck also knew them pretty well. They, especially Hendy, used to come home with his brother almost in every holiday they had.

By the support of his brother, Mark decided to take a week off from his job after only six months working day and night. His brother and he flew to Indonesia to meet their old friends. After 22 hours of flight, they finally arrived in Solo, Middle Java, Indonesia, where the sweet couple lived. They took the online transportation to get to the Setiawan's house. Micah, Mark brother's name, he knew a little bit of Bahasa Indonesia, the couple indirectly taught him in their daily conversation back then. Good for him, he had not forgotten some of the important words like "selamat pagi", "selamat siang", "selamat sore", "bisa tolong saya", and "terima kasih" which are -good morning, good afternoon, good evening, can you help me, and thank you-

After some minutes in the car, they safely arrived at Hendy and Priscilla's home. The sweet couple doesn't know that they would have a visitor that day. Micah smiled at Mark as Mark gave him a nod, saying that he was ready and sure to do this. Micah rang the doorbell and they were patiently waiting outside. A few minutes later, the door was opened. The maid was pretty confused because they were different from people she usually met. After a while, Priscilla came out asking the maid who was coming. Priscilla was really surprised to see her best friends standing there by her door.

"Oh my.. Micah! Mark!" Priscilla still could not believe her eyes. She then yelled for her husband to come out to see the surprised.

"Hey there, Cil.." Micah smiled opening his arms, about to hug Cilla, the nickname she gave to herself when she was in America.

"I still can't believe you are here, boys!" She hugged Micah smiling happily.

"What is –" Hendy walked to them then smiled, as surprised as his wife "no way man..!" He walked to Mark and hugged him tight.

After four of them said their warm greetings to each other, the Smith's brother put their luggage in the guest room, took a quick nap because they didn't want to be jetlagged for days, so the boys decided to not sleep although back home, it was time for them to get some sleep. After around two hours, the four gathered together at the dining table. The brothers faced their plate full of delightful Indonesian food, but they barely touched them. It was exciting but also hard for Smiths, especially for Mark. They forced themselves to eat the delightful food, it was indeed really delicious. After they were done with their dinner, they went to the family room together, after several light chit-chat, Micah was being serious.

"Actually we got big news for you, guys." Micah sat straight looking at the couple seriously.

"We are listening." Hendy answered as Priscilla nodded as they paid more attention to Micah.

"Mark? The table is yours." Micah smiled at his brother.

Mark cleared his throat. "Sooo..." He paused looking at them, he placed his hands on his head then laced them together. "It is ...crucial. Well.. important. I-I girlfriend ...she just delivered my baby girl..."

Hendy was surprised and smiled "...Congrats, Marky."

"Thanks. But that is not all.." Puck paused looking at the couple "I really really.. I mean we girlfriend and I ...really want you guys to have her." Mark stated it with a sad face but he smiled at them. "Well I think she is a fit in here... and you guys are gonna be the best parents for her, right? I want her to have the best life.." He said smiling as showed them the pictures of Beth on his phone.

"Awww.. she is cute.. and pretty.. just like her mother.." Priscilla fell in love with Beth immediately. She grinned looking at her husband with 'please' look on her face.

Hendy looked at his pretty wife then looked back at Mark. "Are you ..serious about this? Have you thought it twice?"

Priscilla nodded "Yeah, Mark.. Have you really deeply thought about this..? I mean... we-"

Mark cut Priscilla off. "Positive. Thought it all night long." He bit his lip looking at them nervously. "So? pressure guys.. I am not forcing you to adopt her if you don't want to." He smiled a bit then got up leaving the couple.

Micah smiled a bit saying good night and thank you for letting them stay there, then the brothers headed to their room.

Hendy and Priscilla went to their roomand talked about this, they discussed about adopting her best friend's nieceall night long. They were super excited, but not sure if it was a good for allof them, including the baby or not, because it was a baby, not just a pet. Withnew baby in their life, their life could be so much different from life theywere living now. It was a hard and tough decision to make. They did not want tohurt anybody, including the baby's feeling when she was already grown up yearsfrom now. After a long thought and talk, they finally made a decision.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2021 ⏰

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