✭ chapter: four ✭

Start from the beginning

"My eyes are up here, princess" his sweet voice rings in my ears, My face heats up immediately and I know it's bright red when I hear a chuckle escaping his lips "what brings you to my room?" He leans against the door frame with his arms crossed in front of his bare chest, How embarrassing I knew this was such a bad idea "uh maya told me to come up and ask if you wanted to watch a movie with us" I say looking straight at the ground scratching my arm trying so hard to avoid looking at him

"Since you asked so nicely I'll come" I look up at him for a brief moment before realizing I'm in the way and move to go back down stairs "no way my sweet y/n did the impossible and actually made my brother leave his room" maya says all shocked in a sarcastic tone "ha ha real funny you know the only reason I don't leave is because of you" he smiles back "my lovable sister" he adds sarcastically, god these two haven't seen eachother in years and this is how they treat eachother completely different from Daniel and I

Danny.. i haven't been able to talk to him all that much since I got to Australia, the time difference makes everything so hard and his work schedule makes it even worse "what you thinking bout" a male voice says in my ear- WHY IS HE SO CLOSE TO ME, I jump away from him once I notice who it is and look around to see where maya is and of course she is not there, and if it couldn't get any worse he's laughing at me, laughing

This dick is laughing at me, HES LAUGHING AT ME?!? "Asshole" I slap his shoulder, he grabs his arm saying "ow" as if it hurt so badly I glare at him and that's when maya walks in with snacks "chris leave my girlfriend alone" she sets down the drinks on the living room table and glares at the blonde male next to me and sits right in between us pulling me into her

Maya ends up turning on this thriller movie she's been talking about for weeks that she's been wanting to watch but apparently, lucky for me, she had left out the part that it was a horror thriller

I. Hate. Horror.

Did I hate it to the point I was hiding behind maya and hugging her... yes...embarrassing as it was I was, I'm such a pussy but at least my best friend was comforting me or the best she could with out letting out a giggle here and there, it was all in good fun made me feel a bit better but if the laughing at me hadn't bothered me at all it was probably the fact she ended up leaving me alone with her brother with the movie still playing, she said something about her being able to rewatch it later so it apparently didn't matter if she missed something, which I still don't get the point in her dying to watch it if she was just going to miss parts of it

Was I squeezing the life out of one of the couch cushions, I had nothing else to squeeze and cover my face with, do you blame me? This all felt like punishment for not intentionally checking out her older brother, curse you maya

"If the movie scares you so much you can...uh..you can hug me till maya comes back" I look up as he says eyes still stuck onto the tv which catches me off guard

Did he just tell me I can...hug...him..?

And as if the universe had the worst timing ever I get Jumpscared, I cave in and hug him, I will admit he's so comforting and warm i melt into him almost instantly, he adjusts just a little bit and rests his hand on my waist "is it okay if I leave my hand here? if not I can take it off" he asks almost immediately "it's fine" i mumble into his side hiding my face away from the gore happening on the screen in front of the two us

Seriously how can maya watch this stuff and sleep normally I'm going to have to watch some cartoons to fall asleep after this, yes I'm that much of a wuss, "guys I made some more popcorn" a bubbly voice sounds from behind and I move far away from the blonde male next to me, don't get me wrong I did not want to but I had too, "oh great the princess made more popcorn after eating the first batch all herself" maya throughs popcorn at her brother and sits back down between the two of us

My best friends brother; bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now