8. A Writer's Woes

Start from the beginning

Moments later a few bunches of each fruit were tucked away carefully in her wicker basket, washed and wrapped in cloth. Once she'd locked up her house and wished Orion goodbye she was on her way into town, humming a cheerful tune along the way.

She was stopped a handful of times while walking through the town square; Doctor Harvey waved hello and reminded her to drink plenty of water since she'd be working in the heat, Evelyn held a polite conversation as the farmer looked at the flowers she was growing this season, Jas excitedly stopped Maria to ask about what was happening on the farm (the young girl had an increasing fondness for her ever since she was gifted a bundle of daffodils for her birthday the week prior) and she likely would've continued asking questions if it weren't for Penny walking up and reminding her it was time for class, and finally Jodi had said hello while on her way to Pierre's store.

Finally she'd arrived at the beach, her sandals digging into the warm sand as she made her way to Elliott's cabin. She paused on the wooden steps in front of his door, brushing off her blouse before lifting her hand to knock- but a faint noise halted her movement.

If she listened closely and blocked out the sound of the waves, light piano notes could be heard from within his house. She stopped to listen for a few seconds, she was very curious after all. She was aware her friend owned a piano but had never once heard him play.

Carefully she turned the knob of the door and slowly pushed it open to peer inside. Elliott's back was turned to her, facing the piano as he played it gently. The melody wasn't one she was familiar with, but it was beautiful nonetheless.

Maria quickly cursed her luck however. She pushed the door open by another inch and it creaked loudly, it's wooden groan cutting through the sound of the piano.

The writer paused and turned his head, a slight smile tugging on his lips once he saw the farmer stood there. "I thought someone was there," he chuckled gently, standing up off of the piano stool to face her.

"That was wonderful," she murmured, stepping inside the cabin and shutting the door. A light blush dusted her cheeks now, she couldn't help but get embarrassed after being caught listening in.

The writer's smile widened, "thank you, though I am quite rusty. I took lessons as a child but neglected practicing for many years. I picked it up again once I moved to the valley and have been honing my skills for the last year, though I don't know if I'm nearly as good as I once was," he explained, tracing his fingers over the keys of the piano with an obvious fondness.

His gaze dropped however, and a somber expression took him over. "What's wrong?" Maria asked with genuine concern, setting her wicker basket down on the nearby table before walking closer to him.

He sighed before lifting his head, though the usual glimmer in his green eyes was absent, "I'd been working day and night to finish the demo of my newest book. I did successfully complete it, I sent it to a dear friend of mine online who helped me with minor revisions, and then I submitted it to the same publishers as before. Awaiting their responses has been driving me positively insane."

She nodded her head as she listened along, happy to let him vent his situation to her.

"The occasional tune has helped, though I can't shake this anxiety. If none of the publishers pick up this demo, I'm afraid I'll be out of options. I've begun to run my bank account dry, and there's only so many favors Lewis or Gus or even Willy can offer me to aid in saving me any amount of gold. Sometimes... sometimes I wish I could just throw it all away and become a farmer like you," he laughed half-heartedly.

Maria knew he was joking, but to her... it didn't sound like the worst idea.

"Come live on the farm with me. Y'know I could use the extra help, especially in Summer, watering all these crops on my own is becoming rather draining," she suggested, grinning a little.

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