A Greater Understanding: Chapter 3

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"Yet your not! Your cells are changing, most look as if they were always here, and never anywhere else!"

"So," Gwen says "What does this mean?"

"I think you are from a parallel universe."

"WHAT?!" Everyone else in the room screamed.

Mr. Stark continued "Think about it, you said that Peter told you that you were in New York, yet It doesn't look like New York, at least to you. Wherever you are from Peter is dead, and so is your father, yet here Peter is 16, not the 20-year-old you know, and George Stacy is a french Private Investigator.

Your scan points to irregular forces at work here, how did you get here, do you know? This could change life as we know it!"

Gwen looked uncomfortable "M-Mr. Stark I already told you, one minute I was swinging past a building then all I see are a ton of flashing colors, then I fall on P-Peter" she still struggled to say his name.

"Hmm," Tony looked thoughtful, "Well it has been a full day, it is 9 pm! Gwen come with me I'll get you an identification, and then you can go to school with Peter, don't worry it is the weekend so you'll have time, come on!" Tony walked away without waiting for confirmation. Peter went up to follow but Ms. Potts grabbed his hand and told him to go to his room and get some rest.

Gwen's POV

I know I lost my cool there but Peter is back! Well not really back if what this Mr. Stark says is true and she is in an alternate reality. If she was she had a lot of Questions: 'What is it like here?' 'How will I get home?!' Gwen then stopped 'Do I want to go home?' thinking about it was simple, no. Her life sucked their, here Peter was alive, her own age, and had spider-powers! They could bond over so many more things, and think of finally having someone who understands her struggles!

This version of Stark was also apparently a superhero himself, Peter had said that there were a ton of superheroes here, but a lot were in hiding because of what he called the 'civil war?' didn't that happen in the 1860s?

Mr. Stark spoke up from a screen he was typing on. "Alright Gwen, I am gonna enroll you into Peter's high school, he is in tenth grade but the school year is just about to end, what grade are you again?"

"Oh, I'm also tenth-grade sir, I'm sixteen"

Stark entered more things into the enrollment papers, than he got a blip on the screen, clicking it showed an alert to errors in his work. "Oh! looks like Ms. Stacy in France is moving here because of her Dad's job transferring, let's see, let's delay their flight, suggest her to a good school in London, and offer Mr. Stacy a job in London as a Stark security worker.

There! All done!"

He showed her the registration papers, "Is this all right?" she corrected her birthday and some other things. "Now about living arrangements, Peter is currently living here with me, as May is on a vacation, I'm gonna offer a room here as well, you and Peter can head to school together, and Happy will pick you up"

"Getting you home to your universe is the problem, my tech is advanced but I'm no-where near the level required to make a Quantum-Tear in the fabric of space itself and with all the-"

"Mr. Stark, in all honesty, I don't know if I want to go home" Stark looked at her sympathetically.

"Why not kid? You gotta have someone you miss back there, right?"

"Well my best friend is dead over there, but alive here, I ruined my friendships there, not here, and there seems to be less crime here based on what Peter told me. It sounds nice, like a fresh start"

"Kid, I not gonna say I know what you're going through, In the end, it is your choice, you could stay, we would be able to figure something out, I can keep the other Stacy's away so that we have no problems with that, but if you want me to I can start working on a way to get your home."

"I'll think about It Mr. Stark, thank you"

"No problem, Underoos 2.0, I gotta find you a nickname!".

"You know Mr. Stark?" Gwen said as she walked out with Tony. "Your nothing like the Stark of my universe"

"Oh yeah how?"

"Well for one, Tony Stark from my world is in prison" Tony was appalled, "He's not in a healthy relationship, he's broke, not too smart, and everybody hates him."

"You know me from your place doesn't sound too nice." Tony chuckled.

He showed her to her room he had prepped while they were talking and they parted ways.

Gwen sighed, maybe things are looking up after all.

All done! This is lookin' good! I hope.


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