empty bottle

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Clarkaye I love you!
but a toad cannot eat
the meat of the swan.
therefore my feelings
should be bottle in oblivion.

A toad like me cannot win
from rage of the bull that has might,
compare to a wussful toad like me.

High school:
Nikka you shine brightest among
the stars, whilst to reach that star,
I toil to be someone whom I can't.

You were an ephipany of dillema,
in which I reach at the top of hill,
whilst you were at the top of the

In the other words, you
were beyond my league.

An onset of new beggining shone upon.
I met Elaine, she is an untouchable type
A nut that is hard to crack.
A rose sorrounded by thorns.
A boss level type that is hard to conquer.
Unfortunately unbeknowst to me she was
not straight.

A girl like her cannot give her heart to me, for her love directly fall to a synonymous gender.

After Graduation:
I a lonely flower will wither to it's demise, yearning for the moon to accept my toast with the third party shadow.

HAHAHAHAHA! How Pathetic!

"Weep as it cry, woe as it anguish"

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