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Air Sorcerer: Windsect
Dark Brawler: Moonfist
Tech Bazooker: Cannonbot 
Water Swashbuckler: Captain Splashbuckler
Fire Knight: Xcaliburn
Earth Ninja: Terra stealth
Light Smasher: Bright Skelepound
Magic Bowslinger: Twinkle bow
Undead Quickshot: Count Frankenshot
Life Sentinal: Thorn spike
Andrew a portal master from earth.

Other characters in the story
All the past skylanders Giants Swap-Force Trap Team Superchargers and Sensei's and Sir hoodington,
Flynn, Mags, Hugo, Cali, Buzz, Eon.
Kaos, Glumshanks, Brain and doomlanders and various of the skylander's enemies

Skylanders imaginators: imagination's is the limitDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora