Charlotte sat in silence staring at the door for a few more minutes before deciding to finally get dressed. Putting her weapons where she normally carries them, putting an extra layer on due to the chill in the air.

"Can you see them Johnny boy? How much do you reckon they've grown? What if they hate us?" Arthur questions his brother as the three make their way off the boat with Harrison Muerte, Johns bestfriend and Diego's older brother.

"No, a lot, they won't" John says and Tommy rolls his eyes. "What if she got a boyfriend?" Arthur says. "He goes into the cut" Tommy smirks. "We're the fucking peaky blinders mate" Harrison says and John claps against his shoulder.

"Is that them? I don't know. Since when was Finn that tall." John says, spotting 3 woman, with 2 guys, one looking very much like Harrison.

"Charlie, look, it's them" Finn says pointing to their brothers, gaining the attention of her and Diego. Without a second thought, she takes of towards them, happy they'd seen her as she launches herself at Arthur, who catches her with a groan, before wrapping his arms round her holding her close. "Charlie girl. Is that you?" He asks and she nods against his neck. "So no greetings for us?" John teases and Arthur let's her down, as John takes his youngest sister into his arms, missing his ray of sunshine. "Diego" Harrison breathes out, as his younger brother reaches them along with Finn who jumps up at Arthur. "Where's Polly?" Arthur asks and Finn points to where his other sister and aunt are.

"Do I get a special treatment for being last?" Tommy says and she tears herself away from John, slowly walking towards Tommy, his blue eyes piercing into her, his face emotionless, as he held his arms out, for his youngest sister to run into, which she did very happily. Although he'd never admit it, he'd missed her. "Any boys?" he asks jokingly and she shakes her head, against his chest. "You've grown" he comments. "Well duh. I'm 17 now." She retorts. "I know. We celebrated your birthday in the trenches." Tommy says monotonously and a wide smile spread across her face. "Is the Garrison still open?" Tommy asks as the remaining two head over to the rest of the group, which Isiah had now joined greeting the Shelby brothers. "Yep." She says. "Drinks on me" he smirks, "They're on the house anyway" she says and he raises an eyebrow at her, "how would you know that?"

"I'm grown." she shrugs joining the rest of them, and the 2nd oldest Shelby brother sighs, realising how much he'd missed, his little sister wouldn't be the same. Of course she wouldn't what was he expecting, the little innocent girl he'd left behind. Living where they did, with their name and no them, she'd have had to learn to fight her own battles.

"Thomas." A voice speaks distracting him, his eyes go up and he sees his aunt stood there hands on her hips. "Yeah" he replies. "Aren't you going to say something?" she says tapping her foot. "Hello" he grunts making her flick his forehead before wrapping her arms round him. Ada and Finn joining in.

"To the Garrison" John exclaims, putting an arm round Charlottes shoulders, chatting away as they headed towards the pub.

And Finn, the baby, wasn't a baby. Not anymore. Everyone had grown, moved on up on world. Of course change was inevitable but did it have to be by so much.

"Mr Shelby, welcome home" Harry says as he opens the pub door for them, no one else being there yet. "2 whiskeys, 2 rum, 1 gin, 1 vodka. Bottles." Tommy orders and the group cheers all bundling into the snug.

"So what's changed? Anything we should know about?" Arthur asks taking a seat. "Charlie could take any of you in a fight" Ada teases as the youngest Shelby sister takes a sip of her vodka, that John had poured. "Oh is it now?" Arthur tests. "It is." Polly argues, a smirk on her face knowing how Charlie had stepped up and become the main protector of the Garrison and had fought many a men that had tried to belittle the Shelby name or rob them.

by order of the fucking peaky blindersDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora