Monica:What about the rest of Manhattan?!.

Ross:Yeah they all know.

Monica:Oh my God this is horrible.

Zakery:I’m so sorry.

Monica:I’m so humiliated.

Rachel:Yeah but y’know what they say Mon.There’s no such thing as bad press.

Monica:You don’t think that um."Reading". The chef’s Mahi,Mahi was awful,awful.Is bad press?.

Rachel:I didn’t write it.

Monica:Is he right?.Am I really,Am I awful?.


Joey:Yeah,Yeah Monica.You listen to me okay?.And I’m not just saying this because I’m your friend I’m saying it cause it’s the truth.You’re food is abysmal.

Elizabeth:Joey.Sweetie not helping.

-March 22nd 2002-

   At Central Perk Joey is showing everyone a poster as Ross enters.

Ross:Hey.What are you guys looking at?.

Joey:Oh it’s a poster for that World War I movie that I’m in check it out.

Ross:Yeah?.Wow.It looks really violent.

Joey:Uhuh.I know.I’m coming soon to a theater near you.I’m in THX.I’m unsuitable for children.

Ross:Now I cannot wait to see this.

Joey:Yeah,yeah it’s already generating Oscar buzz.

Phoebe:I started that.

Joey:I thought I did.Oh hey guess what?. The premiere is next week and you’re all invited!.


Elizabeth:Are we gonna take a limo?.

Joey:Sure.Why not?!.

Monica:Oh I love taking limos when nobody died.

Rachel:Well obviously I won’t be able to come for those of you who haven’t checked their calendars today is my due date.Well y’know I just want to take a moment and thank you guys for how great you’ve been during this time.I really couldn’t have done it without you.And I have loved these last nine months.And even though I am so looking forward to the next part I am really gonna miss being pregnant.

*Time Lapse*

  Later that day at Central Perk Rachel is entering still pregnant.

Rachel:That’s right still no baby.

   Rachel looks to Monica,Joey and Chandler who are on the couch.

Rachel:Come on people.Please make some room.

Ross:Uh sweetie maybe you’d be more comfortable here?.

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