Chapter 61: Jasper and Ryan

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The past year and few months have been bliss compared to the life I was living before. Jasper, Caroline, and Tate became my new family. I would include Ryan; however, he disappeared from time to time. I couldn't give him my full trust. Whenever he left, I suspected the worst, but when he was around, he was there. He was there for me.

"Hey, Violet," Caroline called to me. "I'm hungry. When's Ryan going to be back?"

I looked out at the trees. "Soon," I said, unsure of the next time he'd come back. Five days ago he had left us with some food from KFC, but it was running now."

"Okay then," Caroline responded. "Want to play hide and seek with us?"

"Again?" I chuckled. "Fine."

She jumped into the air. "Can we play at night? Me and my brother love to play hide and seek in the dark."

As soon as she mentioned hide and seek in the dark, I shook my head. I could never play it in the dark. The light is no problem at all to me. However, the dark brings back too many memories. Too much pain. The dark is where my enemies hid to kill me.

I waved my hand indicating I wasn't interested. "No thanks. The light is better for me."

She shrugged then ran off into the house. I looked at Jasper while he sat a few feet away from me in front of the house and way out of my reach. He sat in the grass with his head facing the ground. Sometimes I heard him crying while other times I saw him praying.

I walked towards him, however, was stopped by the limits set by Mr. Harmon. "Hey, Jasper!" I called out. He snapped his head around at me. "Come here."

He sighed then got up and walked towards me. "Hey, what's up?"

I sat down and took his hand to sit down with me. "I know you're hurting Jasper."

"Why do I feel like she's still out there, Violet?"

"It's been a year," I said.

He looked at me. "I understand your dad. I understand that there may be more to what we think. But what if there's more we don't know. Maybe there's a chance," he raised his eyebrows. "I believe that we have a chance at saving her. Somehow. Don't you?"

I sighed and shook my head slowly. "I don't know anymore," I said honestly. "I really don't know."


Jasper and I stood up when we heard Ryan's voice. He was running towards us from the side of the house. He stopped in front of us, panting for air.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Yeah, what's up?" Jasper placed his hand on his shoulder.

"I know I haven't told you guys where I go when I leave," he went on. "But I have to now. I have horrible but good news."

I took a deep breath but held it in. I prepared myself for the worst. "What is it?" I asked.

"Violet," he said. "I just found out your mother sacrificed her life to the book."

I placed my hands over my mouth. Jasper quickly took my hand.

"It's alright," he went on. "There's a way to get out. Abby told me."

"Abby!" I yelled out. "You speak with Abby?!"

Ryan took my arm. "I do it to protect you and to figure out how to save us both."

I pushed him away. "How do you expect us to trust you!"

"There's this box-"


"Just listen!" He yelled at me. "There's a box where Mr. Harmon keeps the ashes of the ones he killed. Whoever recovers their ashes from the box will be themselves again."

I looked at him and shook my head. "No," I said. "That doesn't sound right," I recalled people sacrificing their lives to my father, but never turned to ashes. Not that I remember, but Ryan's information seemed untrue, and I was very skeptical especially because Abby might have told him about it.

"We can get your mom back, Jasper's mom, and you back," Ryan smiled.

Jasper's eyes widened. "Violet, this may be our chance."

I faced Jasper. "What are we going to do? Walk inside and get the box of ashes? Then what? What if it doesn't work?"

"Violet," he said in a low tone. "I will do whatever it takes to get my mother back. I trust Ryan, and you should too."

I walked towards the house. "Do whatever you want, Jasper," I said then stopped before I entered the house. "I don't trust Ryan, and I don't trust Abby."


I laid on the uncomfortable mattress that was placed in the living room. Jasper and the rest of them still hadn't come inside. I heard them outside talking to Ryan, but I didn't want in on their game. Everything Abby had said was a lie and she couldn't be trusted. Ryan was one of them, and I didn't even know he and Abby talked.

I started to think about what he had told me. A box of ashes. It just didn't seem right. To me, it sounded like something Abby made up. A powerful book like that couldn't rely on the ashes of people, could it? I was unsure.

The sound of the door closing knocked me out of my thoughts. I sat up and saw Ryan and Jasper standing together. "What are you two doing?" I asked.

Jasper sighed. "I'm going to the house. I'm going to save my mother. Sorry, Violet."

"Jasper," I frowned. "You can't do this. It's too dangerous."

He walked back towards the door. "Take care my sister and watch Tate for me. We'll be back."

I was about to stop him, but Ryan put a hand in front of me. "Let him go," he moved his hand. I stared at him. "I don't want you to be scared anymore." He kissed me on the cheek then walked out the door with Jasper.

I stood there, scared and worried about my friend. I was almost certain that Jasper wouldn't make it out alive.


So, so, sooooo sorry that update took so long. I was stuck and had no idea on how to move things on.

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