Chapter 37: Bitter Sweet Revenge

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The next morning before sunrise, Abby and Ryan walked through the woods that was behind the suburbs. Abby had told him that she wanted to show him something. Something, impossible. Something amazing. 

"I really don't know what's so amazing about walking into the woods at 5 AM," Ryan yawned. He shivered from the bitter coolness of the morning. A few smooth streaks of color were forming in the sky and the sun was sneaking up from behind the mountains. Ryan could see the smoke of air coming from his mouth as he walked.

Abby stopped before they approached Ryan's old clubhouse. She took a deep breath and smiled. "Alright, we're here. I'm going to prove to you that I can change your life."

Ryan crossed his arms and sighed. "I'm not expecting anything major," he said, looking at his tent. "But I don't have anything to lose. I mean, we did float in the air so I hope following you bringing me here is worth it."

Abby snickered and continued walking towards the clubhouse. On arriving, Ryan could hear muffled moans. He looked inside and saw his stepdad tied up with a dirty blindfold covering his eyes. He backed away quickly. "What did you do?" He choked, feeling afraid that they would get in trouble.

"Don't back away now," Abby said, reaching for his hand. Ryan shrugged her off and backed away.

"We can get in trouble," He said.

Abby was getting annoyed with Ryan. She paralyzed him, then made his stepdad stand face to face with Ryan. His blindfold fell to the ground. Both of them couldn't move. Abby stood in the middle of them. She looked at Ryan's stepfather.

"Who are you?" He asked, looking at Abby.

"We'll get to that, but for now I want you to realize that your life will come to an end soon," Abby informed. "I want you to think about all the horrible things you did to Ryan. Do you think you're a good man?"

He didn't reply.

Abby smiled. "Does it scare you that you're about to die?"

"I ain't about to die," He scorned. "You get the hell away from me. Whatever you are."

The trees began to sway and the wind picked up its speed. The air felt even colder than before. Ryan's lips trembled. Abby put out her hand and a small thin stick flew into it. She grasped it, then immediately gestured it towards Ryan's stepdad. He couldn't move and his eye grew wider the closer she moved it towards him.

"Does it scare you that I'm going to plunge this stick through your eye?" She said in a dark tone.

His breathing sped up. "Just let me go," he huffed. The tip of the stick toyed with his eyelids. "Stop!" He yelled, but as soon as he did, the stick pushed farther against his eyelids. He couldn't even open his eye. 

"I'll ask you again, Does it scare you that you're about to die?" Abby asked. "You won't have a quick death either. Ryan will choose your fate and you will be completely powerless. How does that sound to you? Does it sound familiar?"

He said nothing. A tear fell from his free eye. 

"How can you starve and abuse such an innocent child," she continued. "Who did nothing to you? Tell me, do you know what it feels like to be touched in places a person doesn't want to be touch?" The stick pushed against his eye harder making him groan. "It's very, very uncomfortable, Cole."

Ryan looked surprised when she said his stepfather's name. Abby had let go of the stick, but it remained against his eyelid. She backed away, unparalyzed Ryan, and the two of them watch him suffer. The front of the stick slowly pierced through his eyelids, and slowly through the eyeball. Blood gushed out when the stick was brought out of his eye. It dangled out of his eye socket, spewing blood onto his face. He tried to scream, but Abby wouldn't allow it. His mouth remained shut and he could only force the air out of his nose, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Ryan watched with wide eyes as the stick now pointed at Cole's stomach. Abby walked behind Cole. "Do you know what it feels like to be starved? Do you know how Ryan felt after a long day of school, knowing he wouldn't eat anything with you in sight?" Cole whimpered and more tears fell. "I'm going to stick this stick through your stomach so slowly that you will feel every nerve break, rip, tear, and snap open. The pain will be so unbearable that you will wish that you were dead. Now, watch me get even more creative," she whispered in a low voice.

Ryan backed away when the tip of the stick caught on fire. Abby laughed as Cole tried to plead for her to stop. He didn't talk, but his groans said it all. The hot stick didn't burn into ashes. It was an ongoing fire and Ryan could barely watch as the stick sizzled while cutting through skin, then into Cole's organs and intestine. 

"He's going to puke," Abby winked at Ryan who already looked disgusted.

Cole's face began to change colors and he made gagging sounds. What came up his throat couldn't exit his mouth, so it shot out of his nose. His eye teared up and some of the liquid that came out of his nose now exited his eye socket. The sight made Ryan want to puke.

"I can't watch this anymore," Ryan confessed. 

Abby faced him. "We're not done. You will watch." Ryan's body felt like it had shut down, but Abby paralyzed him once more so he wouldn't run.

A small, sizzling hole formed in Cole's stomach and he dropped to the ground. His mouth opened and he spat out some remains of what rested in his mouth. Abby turned to Ryan. "He's yours to do as you please. I can see you have some remorse for him. If you're too weak to end his life, then let him return to you. Otherwise, kill him and return to me."

She began to walk away but turned back when she heard Cole's final cries. She saw the stick through Cole's neck, then rushed over to the scene. Cole struggled to move his arms and hands towards the stick. His body twitched. 

Abby chuckled and looked Cole in the eye. "How does it feel knowing you're about to die and have no idea what's going to happen next. Scary isn't it?" She asked.

Ryan and Abby watched as Cole took his last breath. "I killed him," Ryan began to cry. Abby nudged him on the shoulder. "So? How can you feel sympathy for this guy?"

"I don't," Ryan lied. "I just...don't want to get in trouble for this."

"I can make it look like nothing happened," Abby said. She merely gestured her head and Cole's body was if nothing ever happened.

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