Eighteen// Sameness:

17 7 6

Word Count: 2 640


After breakfast we were all allowed to do whatever we wanted

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After breakfast we were all allowed to do whatever we wanted. Apparently we are monitored constantly still, by our Watchers, so where we go doesn't even matter. That revelation brought back memories of my almost-death, Ian and my mother. They're supposed to be in here somewhere.

I find myself walking around the base within the capital desperate to do something that will make me calm down a little. I don't want to start fidgeting, because that won't get me anywhere and I'd rather find a way to speak to my mother, figure out how to escape. There's no way we went through all of this for nothing. I can't get two other people incarcerated for me without at least trying and now that they're in here, they also run the risk of exposing everyone else who helped with this whole thing.

I heard someone mention a hover boarding room earlier and so I'm keen on seeing that. It might give me the freedom to think better. I just about get used to the slow slap of my boots on the floor as I walk through every pod, the details of which blend together. It all ranges from open roof tops, rooms where nature itself is captured within the base's walls in the form of indoor parks and waterfalls, to entire chambers dedicated to combat and gaming.

Everything in the capital is over the top and state of the art, which makes sense since all the rich people's homes in all the Krus fall within the capital's radius. I'm half grumbling and marveling over the state of beauty this place possesses when I hear my name.

"Suki?" a voice I've never heard before calls after me.


"Mrs. Dassin would like to speak with you."

x x x

The room I'm ushered into looks a lot like the gymnasium back at Air Kru: swords, knives, guns, arrows, spears, punching bags, exploding balls & paint, the list goes on and on.

It takes me back to the day of our first observed assessment, seeing Juniper in the gym, arguably the most influential member of the Quad (the main leaders of the four Krus) waiting to judge me.

"Ah, if it isn't Suki, Alora Kione," she begins, dropping a piece of cloth from her face and hastily pulling some calm over herself.

She starts towards a sofa set that under different circumstances would look pretty awkward where it is, but for some reason, here, in this room, it works.

There's a combat arena on a lower floor where a group of Watchers are sparring. They launch fists at each other, hair whipping in waves of brown and blonde in response to their lurching frames. Juniper takes a seat on the couch giving her a perfect view of the commotion. I'm soon deserted by the girl who walked me in here as she hobbles to a corner in the room. (She must be injured ... or she just never learnt to walk properly?)

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