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(a part 2 to honey)

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(a part 2 to honey)


The stress you'd been feeling had completely drained you of any energy. You'd spent the past few weeks having terrible anxiety that you'd failed all of your finals. But over the weekend before you found out your grades on the following Monday, it was at an all time high. Corpse had tried his best to distract you and he did to some extent, it just always managed to creep back into your mind though.

So when you found out it was all okay and you had passed all your classes, the relief flooded through you and exhaustion began to take you under. Sleep was wanting to drown you. And Corpse noticed.

When you were dozing off, he picked you up before you fell into a deep sleep there in his living room. He wanted you to rest as comfortably as possible. So he carried you like a baby to his bedroom. It was only just past 7:00pm but you'd barely been sleeping lately, Corpse knew you needed to catch up on the missed hours.

Placing you down in his bed, you'd hear his deep voice speak to you. "Sleep well, baby." He'd leave a kiss against the corner of your mouth before going to work to ensure you were all tucked in snugly.

As much as he would have loved to crawl into bed beside you and hold you in your state of sleeping, he couldn't. Corpse had plans to stream tonight and he wasn't sure how late it was going to go until. In fact, the timing kind of worked out.

A little after four hours later, Corpse would finish his stream. 11:08pm would be the current time, a little late, but not late enough of a time that Corpse would retire to bed, normally. But tonight, you were in there and it was an incentive for him to get to bed at a more decent hour. He was feeling the cold a little more tonight anyway and he knew you'd be all warm and cozy because you did like to sleep covered under blankets.

He wouldn't flip his bedroom light on when he entered because he wouldn't dare disturb your sleep. He wanted you to stay in your dreamland, you deserved it. So he'd navigate his way to the side of his bed in the darkness. Quickly he would remove his clothes, leaving him in his underwear and then he'd ever so carefully lift the covers to lay beside you.

You were laying on your side facing him and now that he was next to you in bed, he could see you just a tiny bit now. One side of your face so comfortably smooshed into the pillow, your eyelashes just barely touching the top of your cheeks as your eyes stayed shut, your lips parted ever so slightly where an even air flow was being breathed in and out by you. He wished he could always come to bed and find you this way, so peaceful that it provided his own heart with tranquility.

Corpse would wish to wound his arms around you to pull you in then. Gather you so close to him but he didn't want to risk waking you when you looked to be so deeply lost in a distant dreamland.

"What are you dreaming about?" He'd whisper into the quiet of the night, a rhetorical question because you wouldn't answer him right now, but he would really love to know. Reaching one of his hands to your face in order to so tenderly brush the hair that had fallen over part of your face back behind your ear and out of your face.

He had always remembered one of the first nights you stayed over his place and you'd woken up because a loose strand of your hair had been tickling the tip of your nose. Corpse awoke with you and ever since that moment, if he caught your hair hanging in your face while you were enjoying your precious sleep, he would move it away.

It seemed his voice and touch reached you even in your subconscious state because you began to shift then. Corpse stayed still, wary as to not break your slumber but he didn't realise his magnetic field was strong enough for you to react to it even in your sleep.

His heart warmed as you neared him and your head found a place to nuzzle in against his neck. And now he gave in to his want from before and allowed his arm to drape around you, seeing that you were close enough that your body was now resting against his beneath the blankets.

His fingertips would begin to trace mindless patterns into your back, and yet again, you would shift closer, your chest would feel so pleasantly heavier on his. He couldn't help but to wonder what kind of gifts you possessed, you did things everyday to make him love you more and now, you were even doing things while you were asleep and not even aware that it was making his love for you grow. Fuck, he loved you, and it was a little scary for him to think about sometimes because what would ever happen if something caused you to go your seperate ways? He couldn't let it happen, but he didn't know that neither could you. You couldn't imagine life without him and he couldn't without you.

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