Stress & Refresh

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Being a uni student had given you many life skills. But one you didn't intend to pick up was becoming the type of person who would act the same no matter how many hours of sleep you'd gotten. You on two hours? Same as you with eleven hours. And any amount in between.

There was a few exceptions to the skill. For example, if it was a busy time for assessments and you'd had a fair few nights of very little sleep all in a row, you'd need to catch up on all those missed hours, eventually. And usually that happened on the fourth or fifth night.

And when the day came this time around, you'd submitted yet another assignment and didn't have any due for a few weeks so you were going to celebrate. By crashing hard and treating yourself to that deep sleep your body and mind so desperately craved.

But Corpse had started to really worry about you two days ago.


"You've barely eaten anything." Him expressing concern had lead to the both of you firing quick, frustrated words to each other.

"I'll eat when I'm done. I'm not hungry right now." And you weren't, it was a bad habit, but when you found yourself under an extreme amount of stress or pressure, you didn't eat as you normally did.

"You've been doing those assignments for days."

"I have a lot due right now, i've told you this already."

"Please, just take a break." He was pushing you, he was aware of it, but he wanted you to take even just ten minutes to relax.

"I can't."

"You can, let's go get dinner."

"I'm telling you, i really can't."


"Fucking hell, Corpse, I told you I fucking can't!" You snapped at him and for what felt like first time, you looked up from your laptop screen and to your boyfriend.

Both of you displayed frowns on your faces, challenging each other to say something else. And Corpse made a judgement call then. He knew if he stayed there and argued with you, you'd fight back with just as much fire as he would. But he also knew you had enough on your mind, so he left it. But he definitely slammed the door of his computer room on purpose, to which you'd pick up a pen and peg it at the closed door.


He didn't really say anything else over the next couple of days. But his worrying over you was digging at him more and more. You'd still barely eaten anything, in fact, the only things he'd seen you consume was painkillers to mask the headache he knew you must've felt from staring at your laptop screen for days on end and a carrot at 3am when he'd come to get a drink of water. The bags under your eyes had become so prominent from the lack of sleep. And you'd been crashing out on the couch for the one or two hours you did manage to fall asleep.

So when he found you on that fifth night, sound asleep in bed after his shower, a weight lifted from his chest. Corpse would release a very deep sigh, feeling the worry and tension leaving him. How pleased he was to see you looking so peaceful. He took the few steps to reach the bed and sat down, taking a moment to look over your features.

His finger first brushed some of your hair behind your ear so he could get a better look at you. Your hair was no longer tied back in the bun you'd had in this past week to keep it from annoying you as you typed. Next he trailed his touch down your forehead and between your relaxed eyebrows. Happy that no longer were they were furrowed in a mix of concentration and stress. And following down the bridge of your nose, his finger reached your mouth and ever so gently ran around your slightly parted lips where a slow, deep breath was being released from. He was glad your jaw was no longer clenched with frustration at your uni work. But your lips were chapped, you had a habit of chewing on them too much when you felt stressed and it seemed you'd really done a number on them after this hell week you'd had. He made a mental note to pick up a new chapstick for you whenever he got make up wipes again.

Overall, he was so content with seeing you so peaceful. You looked so soft, so at ease and it brought him relaxation. He knew you were in such a deep sleep already, but still as he slipped into bed beside you, he tried to be cautious, not wanting to wake you. You were so warm beneath the blanket, he pulled you towards the centre of the bed as he scooted in, wanting to be close to you. You stirred a little then.

"Corpse?" You'd mumble, caught in between a dreamland and reality.

"Yeah, just me, baby." He'd answer you, his arms feeling so comforting as they surrounded you.

"'m really sorry 'bout the other day." You'd apologise as your head nestled into his chest.

"It's okay," And he'd mean it sincerely. Giving you a goodnight kiss on your forehead. "Go back to sleep, baby."

But you kind of already had, you hadn't even really woken up properly because of how exhausted you were. All you knew is you were so happy to be in bed with your lover after such a draining time, knowing this familiar bubble with Corpse was going to give you the refresh you needed.

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