Part 4

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"P'Kit!" Kit turned to see one of the juniors who lived in his building rushing to him. "What's wrong Nong?" he asked as the younger came near. "You have to come to the building. P'Ming trashing his room!" 

"What?" Kit asked as he stood up. The junior nodded. "He got back when I was getting ready. We heard things breaking in his room and he was screaming." Kit got up as he rushed to his car. 

What was wrong with Ming? Why was he creating a commotion? Where had he been for the past 5 days? No one had seen or heard from him. Questions ran through his mind as he rushed back.

When Kit arrived there Wayo was entering the building. "Nong!" Kit called as the younger turned to him "P'Kit! Do you have a key?" Kit nodded fishing out the key Ming gave him a few months ago.

The two rushed into the room to find Ming sitting in between shattered glass and broken stuff crying. Wayo rushed to hug his best friend as Ming froze.

"Ming!" Wayo shouted running to his best friend. "She's gone Yo. My princess left me." He cried holding onto his best friend. Wayo choked back a sob. "Minas gone Yo. I'm never seeing my princess again."

Soon Ming had fallen asleep tiring himself out from crying. "Who was he talking about?" Kit asked as the two cleaned up the room. Wayo shook his head "I don't know if I can tell you." Kit picked up a frame. It was a picture of the girl and Ming. "Is this Mina?" He asked as Wayo looked up. He nodded slightly before taking the picture away.

A few hours later Ming woke up to Wayo pressing a wet towel to his forehead. Kit was sitting on a chair nearby but Ming hadn't seen him yet. "Yo." He said in a raspy voice. Yo rushed to help him sit up and drink some water. Kit was still not in the youngers line of sight.

"Why does this happen to me?" Ming asked his voice full of pain. "Everyone I love leaves me. P'Kit has someone else. Mina left me. Yo will you leave me as well?" Wayo shook his head "I'm not going anywhere Ming. We'll always have each other." 

Kit got up and left the room without Ming even noticing. What did Ming mean by Kit having someone else? The only person chasing Kit was Ming. No one else would even dare to flirt with him. Who was Mina? What was she too Ming?

"Ming. What did you mean P'Kit has some one else?" Wayo asked as he made Ming have dinner. Ming frowned "I saw P'Kit and some other guy. He had his arm around P'Kit and the two were smiling at each other." Wayo was confused. "Is that why you haven't met him again?" Ming nodded "If he liked someone he should have told me not broken may heart like that. I really am unlucky aren't I Yo?" Ming scoffed. "The two people I love left me in a span of 10 days."

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