A fight for y/n & suprise for y/n

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*You, Marcus, and Martinus arrived in class*

Martinus: We have Maths now right?
Y/n: I think yes.
Marcus: We have a break first.
Y/n: How many minutes?
Martinus: Thirty.
Y/n: Oh nice.
Marcus: What? How many did you have at your previous school?
Y/n: When we had lunch, we had twenty minutes and after every hour we had just five.
Marcus: Oh.
Martinus: I'm sorry y/n but me and Marcus have to go. We'll be back in 5 minutes.
Y/n: Oh ok, I'll wait here for you.

*You wait in a hall. Some boy is coming to you. His name is Ylian and he's one of the most aggressive but popular people in school. You don't know him very well because he's in another class, but you still don't like him. He is so annoying but a lot of girls like him. He hates Marcus and Martinus, and they hate him too.*

Ylian: Well, well, well. Look who we have here.
Y/n: What do you want Ylian?
Ylian: Oh no, we're so rude today. *starts laughing* I just wanted to say congrats.
Y/n: *sarcastically* Thank you. Now you can go.
Ylian: Oh come on. I know you like me. *holds your shoulders*
Y/n: No I don't leave me alone * you trying to stop him*
Ylian: Yes you like *touch your face*
Y/n: No I don't! *trying to take his hands off.*

*Marcus and Martinus see you with Ylian, they start to run to you*

Martinus: Leave her alone! *pulls you in a hug and yell at him*
Ylian: Really? You chose him?
Marcus: What should that mean? *rude*
Ylian: *evil laugh* they made you so stupid y/n.
Martinus: Don't you dare talk to her like that!
Ylian: If you'll be with me, you'll be so much better than now and you will have so many friends.
Martinus: She'll never be with you!
Ylian: Oh really? Prove it!

*Ylian and Martinus come closer, you hug Marcus because you scared of what will happen*

Martinus: Why would I do that?!
Ylian: Today after school be on a fight place.

*everyone is scared because there all fights happen and every time one person lands in the hospital and Ylian won every fight. You're so scared about Martinus.*

Ylian: Huh? Are you scared little baby *he and his friends start laughing* do you need a mommy?
Marcus: *yell at him*Oh shut up! *looks at Martinus and say with his worried voice* Martinus please no.
Y/n: Martinus no!
Martinus: *looks at you and whispers* I'm sorry y/n.
Y/n: Martinus no!

*Martinus turns around and reaches in Ylian's hand*

Martinus: Deal.
Ylian: *fake smile because he didn't expect that* Great. *he leaves but then he turns around and looks at Martinus* Ey, Gunnarsen!
Martinus: What again?
Ylian: *with evil voice* if you think that you will win, you have so wrong. Nobody didn't win. And you will not too. I'm warning you.

*some seconds of silence*

Martinus: I'm not scared of you.
Ylian: *shocked* What did you say?
Martinus: I'm not scared of you! Maybe you are strong and you like to intimidate people. But I'm stronger. I have friends. I have their support. And I don't have it because of popularity. I have them because I chose them. And you will not intimidate me. Or y/n. Or my friends. I have to support and protect them. And in this example, I'll do anything to protect y/n.

*You look at Martinus and start smile at him, he smiles back and Ylian doesn't know what to say*

Ylian: *sarcastically* Oh, what lovely words. Now I really can't wait for today.

*He and his friends leave. Martinus run back to you and Marcus. You hug Martinus.*

Y/n: I'm glad you're ok. *you pull him off a hug and you say this with your a little bit angry voice* What did you think?! He can hurt you! And I will not forgive myself. *with sad voice* because he will hurt you because of me.
Martinus: Everything will be okay. Trust me.
Y/n: You sure?
Martinus: More than you think.

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